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Mew's Pokemon Center

Could it
My Pics

Pikachu says, "Welcome to Mew's Pokemon Center!"

I should have new pics soon! I'm still looking for pics from the Pikachu's Rescue mini movie, but I do have pics from the mini movie and main movie of Pokemon 3. I'll get those added ASAP, but I've been neglecting all my sites lately, so I'm gonna be working on all of them over the summer. I'll get to this one as soon as I can, but I can't guarentee it will be in the enxt week or anything.

moomoo34 got their NeoPet at
This is my Kacheek, Afrafa!
Cute Cute Pet Shop: Adopt a pet today!

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Warning to all "proud" owners of Anti sites. Do NOT waste time posting your link in my guestbook, or asking me to add your link. If you own an Anti site of any kind, I flat out will NOT add it. We all have the right to do what we feel, and I will not allow links to sites with characters being killed in every way humanly possible to be posted here. This site is for children, and I want to keep evil sites away from them. If you do post a link in the guestbook, it WILL be deleted, no questions asked.
