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Leslie's PHiSH Page

Hi Pholks:)
"Where are the great lyrics of today? Turn on the radio. Most of what you hear is pretentious, idiotic, posed shit, and people buy right into it." -Trey
"I truly in my heart could give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about what we do. About a year ago I realized that, short of cutting off my arms and legs, nothing would ever hinder my desire to play drums or diminish the joy I get from playing them." -Fish
"At a certain point in my childhood I decided to stop talking as much as I had, because I thought it came off as cooler when people didn't know what you were thinking. That marked the onset of my introversion" - Mike
"We're somewhere on the fringe of popular culture where a lot of people have heard of us, a lot more haven't, and I suspect our popularity will rise and fall as the years go by. The Dead were always known as a live band, and perhaps that will be our legacy as well." - Page

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