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Raven's Study

Many words have been written
Many tales have been told
About the mighty wizards
And their lore in days of old

Many battles have been fought and won
Then again some battles lost
In this world of good and evil
Souls are bitten by life's frost

But those gallant days not over
For I sit before you now
In the back my stallion saddled
Fire spurting from his snout

My spells all are practiced
Incantations perfect still
My lore is vast and mighty
Mortals bend beneath my will

But fear not all my ramblings
As an old wizard often will
Warm yourself beside my fire
And let it take away your chill

For now just sit and talk with me
As I rest my weary bones
This is a wizards study
And you are welcome in my home.


Be careful where you go!

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Links in The Realm

Realm Of Dreams
Knights Meeting Hall
Looking for the Lost Realm
Black_Knight's Dungeon
SmokingMan99's Dark Chamber
Castle DarkWolf
Raven's Nest
Lion's Lair
Dragon's Lair
Field Of Dreams