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Right Now

Right About Now

Date: April 13, 2000

Time: 5:00 PM

Day So Far: So-So

Wearing: A red and black Fubu football jersey and Fubu pants

Eating: Nothing

Last Thing I Ate: Pizza Rolls

Drinking: Mountain Dew

Last Thing I Drank: Mountain Dew

Doing: Working on my page and watching The Blame Game

Listening To: Tha Crossroads (remix of the remix)

Thinking: I need a job!

Wanting: MONEY! And lots of it!

Stats: Single!

Feeling: Bored

Song Describing My Mood: No Strings Attached

Phrase of the Day: SWEET SASSY MOLASSY!

Word of the Day: Hey (I said it all day long!)

Thought of the Day: Why do certain people act different around other people...

Quote of the Day: "He doesn't give you the kind of attention
That a girl like you needs, that a girl like you needs
'Cause he's always looks around, his eyes wander round
He doesn't see you like I see, yeah" *NSync "No Strings Attached"

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