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Stuff I Hate!

Stuff that I hate!

What I hate most: Russell Countians (well not really)!

When girls say "I have to pee." Say "I HAVE TO USE THE RESTROOM!!!" geeze....

Country music (how could anybody like it?).

Beanie Babies, you just have to know me personally.

Hot Wheels, read above.

Unoriginal people (do I even have to explain this).

Russell Countians (just joking).

Russell County (the toilet bowl of Kentucky, another joke).

People who dress tacky.

Skaters (if you're going to have long hair, at least wash it).

The color yellow, it's just so damn annoying (sorry Chris).

People who are just plain stupid.

I have to throw in Russell Countians again (this is getting old).

Movies that have bad acting.

Restaurants that do NOT have Pepsi products (that's just sad).

Getting lied to (who doesn't hate that).

People who can't take jokes.

Port-o-potties (those are the most disgusting things ever).

Spiders and snakes, those scare the hell out of me.

When somebody that comes over to my house and drinks the very frickin' last Mountain Dew!!!

One more time, Russell Countians (OK, I outdid it).

That's all for now!

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