My Page is being Worked On!

My page is under construction (kinda) right now! Just for the you-know-who's that've been bugging me (and they know who they are :))


Why not turn my page into my edited (sorry! I don't want some of you NOSIES to know my bid-nezz... if I really want ya to know one-on-one, I'll tell ya :D) online... JOURNAL!... Yes, that means I'll have to update my page more often than ONCE a MONTH!! (:D) And, well, I might not get the chance to update it daily, but I'll do it once a week! YAY!! (OH, and a few choice people get a yAy! because they're loved!)

About my idea!

It's in progress... go here to check up on my journal. =D
Want your own online thingie like that? go here and check it out.

Navigate around cyberspace a bit...

Old Index!
My Poems