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AUTHOR: Dara Joy


PUBLISHING DATE: February 1997

From The Back Of The Book:

Lord Byron thought he was captivating, the fashionable matrons blushed behind their fans at a glimpse of his haed form, and nobody knew where he came from. His startling eyes--one gold, one blue----promised a wicked passion, and his voice almost seemed to purr. There was only one thing a woman thought of when looking at a man like that.SEX. And there was only one woman he seemed to want. Lilac. In her wildest dreams she never guessed that bringing a stray cat into her home would soon have her stroking the most wanted man in 1811 London.....


Rejar was from an ancient, arcane race known as the Familiar. They walked in two forms both human and cat. Throughout time, stories circulated that the males were so skilled in the sensual arts that the use of this innate trait combined with felinelike eroctica gave an unparraralled experience. It was well known amongst all Familiar that Rejar ta'al Krue was gifted with much much more.

Lilac Devere and her aunt were on their way to have tea with the Duchess, when without warning a brilliant flash of light filled the coach. A loud thump and a low deafing rumble followed, shaking the ladies around their carriage. When next they looked, what they saw shocked them. For there on the oposite seat sat a great black cat, gazing at them, with two different colored eyes.

Rejar knows he has found his life mate in Lilac. Now all he has to do is convince Lilac. She has decided to never marry, preferring to have the freedom of being an "old maid". It takes all his abilities to persuade her differently.

Most of this story takes place on Earth in the 1800's, in London. Therefore it has a distinctly historical feel with futuristic overtones.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews