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*Important* Info for you!
The Madisonville North Hopkins High School

Maroon Band

Important Info!!
Get the need-to-know right here!!

Okay people for the *Important* info of the moment, we all know band camp is here. Are you burnt yet? :) I can hear the sunscreen song playing somewhere in the background.... *hahaha* Anyway. Hmm.... how about some band camp tips? Taken straight off the paper that you got earlier, except modified a smidge... :)
~Bring the rest of the money. And the medical form. That helps.

~Don't forget your music, they might hurt you. :)

~Sunscreen is a good thing.

~Bring your instrument. *duh*

~Bring a pencil or a highlighter or something. "or at least act like your writing it down!! Move it around on your stand or something!" *hehehe*

~Wear comfy clothes! Do not attempt to wear a sweater!

~Bring water! Unless you want to wait in a huge line!

~Bring snax! Unless you can hold out 'til lunch or you have connections with a lot of friends. :)

~Don't wear high heels! Tennis shoes are better for band camp. :)

~Have fun! It's only 9 hours a day for 10 days. You can make it! :)

There. That was about all the band camp advice I could gather from the paper and twist it around just enough to make sense. :) Well there ya are! Comments? More advice? Slap it in the guestbook! Until later, taters!

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Please note: Anything written that is offensive, harmful, or uncalled for will be deleted! Thanks!

Created by Candice Lynn and Kelsey Elizabeth, c/o 2002!!