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Friday, 4 August 2006
Age of Tolerance A Novel of Alternate History From Al To Allah

America’s new Age of Tolerance begins on September 11th, 2001 when President Al Gore courageously leads the nation in the aftermath of the devastating attacks and into a future that we avoided…

…or have we?

In fact, far more than alternate history, this is a story of a nation tamed by political correctness, where sensitivity overshadows common sense, where values are mocked and hard work is taxed in order to provide for those who choose not to produce. In short, a nation not much different than our own, with a future that will certainly be ours if present trends continue.

What if Al Gore had been the 9/11 President? What would he have done differently? How would it affect the future?

What would America look like if the Left gets everything it wants? Can liberals really live in a world of their own design?

Age of Tolerance is an original and realistic post 9-11 novel that explores the consequences of open borders, radical populism, isolationism, and even reparations with subtle humor and suspense. It is as much an entertaining narrative of cost and triumph as it is a cautionary tale for a generation that has more to lose than it may realize.

Based on actual events and quotes, a thought-provoking picture develops of what America might look like if some have their way. In Age of Tolerance, the reader will find characters that can't be found in any other novel: radical environmental activists, the anti-war crowd, affirmative action junkies, race merchants, classroom indoctrinators and demagogic populist politicians.

Is true multiculturalism possible, or does the “give and take” of political correctness only work in one direction? Could a superpower be defeated by its own tolerance, or would a great nation eventually recognize and return to the patriotic and cultural traditions that made it so, before it is too late?


I just did,
don't WAIT for the Movie!

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:56 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 6 August 2006 8:25 PM CDT

Sunday, 6 August 2006 - 9:18 AM CDT

Name: Angel
Home Page:

From Al to Alllll-ah..great title as well!..thanks for the heads up and the link as well..:)

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