President Bush Job Approval
Saturday January 21, 2006--Forty-five percent (45%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President.
Bill Clinton
On November 3,(1992) won election as the 42nd President of the United States by a wide margin in the U.S. Electoral College, despite receiving only 43 percent of the popular vote. It was the first time since 1968 (Nixon) that a candidate won the White House with under 50 percent of the popular vote.
Hillary Meter
January 11, 2006--The first Hillary Meter of 2006 shows a more positive perception of New York's Junior Senator than any survey conducted in 2005.
For the first time ever, fewer than 40% of Americans view Clinton as politically liberal. Thirty-nine percent (39%) now see her as liberal while 38% say moderate. Last January, 51% of Americans viewed the former First Lady as liberal. (see trends).
The perceived shift to the right has made her more appealing to voters--
34% now say they would definitely vote for Clinton while 35% say they would definitely vote against her.
In mid-December, those numbers were 30% for and 37% against.
Thirty-seven percent (37%) would definitely vote against Senator Clinton. Demographic crosstabs are available for Premium Members.
I leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. ;-)
While not one of my readers, but instead one of my daily reads, Big Lizards seems to agree
with the drift of this post in Hillary Will Never Be the Presidential Nominee
Now I will admit it is a dream of mine that Hillary be the Democratic Nominee mainly because I think that would be a lemming move for them. ;-)
Update: note this post will be bumped to the top from time to time as the figures vary
President Bush Job Approval Friday January 27, 2006
-Forty-six percent (46%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President.
Hillary Meter: 46% Liberal
January 25, 2006--
Thirty-two percent (32%) of Americans say they will definitely vote for Senator Hillary Clinton if she runs for President in 2008. Thirty-nine percent (39%) will definitely vote against her.
The former First Lady is viewed as politically liberal by 46% of voters (up from 39% two weeks ago). Thirty-three percent (33%) see her as politically moderate (see trends).
Demographic crosstabs are available for Premium Members.
Collectively, today?s Hillary Meter places Senator Clinton a net 53 points to the left of the nation's political center. That's the closest to the political center she has been since we began bi-weekly polling last year. As with all tracking polls, it remains to be seen whether this is a lasting improvement or merely statistical noise.
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Updated: Friday, 27 January 2006 5:27 PM CST