Parnell Genealogy
Site Update: Parnell Genealogy 5th Rev. Ed., by Cathy (Parnell) Vance, published April 2006 |
NOTE: For your convenience, all links on this page, will open a new browser window. When you are finished looking at the page you selected, just close the new window, and you will return to this page. Site Information Update! If you have a problem with something on the site please contact me by clicking on my name after this message. I will try and repair or change whatever you have found that is wrong. Some of the links on the right side navigation bar have not been activated yet. I hope to have them finished and working within a short period of time. I have followed the guide lines set up by The National Genealogical Society while redoing this site. I believe it is very important for researchers to follow the guides set, by the society and hope you will visit the National Genealogical Society site and read the suggestions about genealogy research, placing your information on the Internet, and all the other great information they have. Remember that any information you find, whether it is on this site, or another, should ALWAYS be checked for accuracy, also remember to .............. Cite The Source! For your convenience here is an example of the source citation for this page. Change the URL to reflect the page of this site where you are when you find the information
you are adding to your data. You will find the page url on the address bar of your web browser.
![]() I'm Cathy (Parnell) Vance. My cousin
Sharon (Parnell) Sholes and I work together on our family genealogy and
you can contact either of us with your questions. Sharon lives in CA. and
I live in FL. but we love to get together, whether it is for a research
trip, a fun trip, or just to be together. You will find a link to e-mail
us on the bottom of this page. Our research has focused on the PARNELL line in Kentucky and Illinois, and has included collateral lines that may be helpful to you. To find out if we have information on a person you are looking for, Check out the SURNAMES under FAMILY ROOTS The progenitor of our Parnell line in Kentucky is John Parnell and wife Candis (Mays) Parnell. John was born 1 January 1790 possibly in Tennessee, he died 27 October 1871 in Casey Co., Kentucky. John and Candis lived on the Adair/Casey Co., line. John's parents are unknown, you can find out about his children by reading the information found under. FAMILY ROOTS descendants of John Parnell In the past many people have seen my
last name VANCE and have asked for
information. For anyone that my be interested my husbands Vance roots, his line goes back to Abner VANCE of Virginia. You will not find much about the VANCE line on this site,
but I have researched it and will be happy to share information I have if you are interested. Feel free to contact me.
VANCE e-mail
![]() The first message board is the one we use for this site. It has not been as active as I would like but I decided to leave it for awhile, and see if it will become active. Click on the view message board below to post and view messages.
The following message boards are off site, they are very active boards so be sure to check them out. Be AWARE that ALL messages posted to Genforum, My Family become the property of the sites, and they CAN collect and sell the information posted on the boards they supply. I am not trying to talk you out of using the message boards, they are a great resource, but you need to be aware that your information CAN be collected and sold without your knowledge, or permission. Remember, NEVER post information or give another researcher any information on people that are still living. ![]() The List Bot mail list we were using is no longer available. I have included mail list information, for other lists available
to PARNELL researchers
for your benefit, please take advantage of them by posting the surnames you are
working on, or by taking the time to help someone else that needs help. There is a PARNELL list at Rootsweb. For information on how to subscribe/unsubscribe or contact the list owner please go to the following site. PARNELL SURNAME LIST
Genealogical societies are a great
resource. Be sure to join your local society and the society in the area
where your ancestor lived. There are also some great web sites that can be
beneficial to you. I have placed links to some of them on the navigation
bar. Click