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Great Hall of the Council

Hall of the High Council

Welcome to the Great Hall of the Castle of Lady Iris. Within this castle are written the laws of the light. And from this magnificent Palace treaties with other realms discussed and signed.

Sir Honor
High Council of the Light.

If any would like to become diplomats to other realms please contact me of which realm that you are interested in becoming the diplomat for.

Not iris in her pride

Not Iris in her pride and bravery
Adorns her arch with such variety;
Nor doth the Milk-white Way in frosty night
Appear so fair and beautiful in sight,
As do these fields and groves and sweetest bowers
Bestrewed and decked with parti-coloured flowers.
Along the bubbling brooks and silver glide,
That at the bottom doth in silence slide,
The water-flowers and lilies on the banks
Like blazing comets burgeon all in ranks;
Under the hawthorn and the poplar tree,
Where sacred Phoebe may delight to be,
The primrose and the purple hyacinth,
The dainty violet and the wholesome minth,
The double-daisy and the cowslip (Queen)
Of summer flowers) do over-peer the green;
And round about the valley as ye pass,
Ye may not see, for peeping flowers, the grass.

George Peele

High Councils of the Light.
Lady Iris.......Oct 1998-Mar 1999
Sir Honor.......Mar 1999-Aug 1999.
Lord Seven......Sept 1999-Sept 2000.
Lord BlackRazor..July 2001-Current.


Shadow Gate......Lady Taran
Elveron..........Lady Lace
Black Knights....None

My Favorite Links

Castle of White Iris
Council's Chambers
