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Everybody needs someone to help them along the way

Everybody needs someone to talk to day by day

Everybody needs someone to lean on when they're down

Everybody needs someone to share their glorious crown

Everybody laughs

Everybody smiles

Everybody needs a hug once in a while

Why not share a little sunshine along the way

Why not be someone's somebody today?


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~~JENN'S BRAG BOOK~~ <<< take a peek at my angels

Hi There! My name is Jenn. I'm so glad you stopped by. I am always getting short stories and poems sent to my email. They have such inspiration, hope, comfort, not to mention great lessons to learn in them. I was forwarding an average of 20 a week. So I decided to just make a webpage of them! The only ones that I made from scratch are under "short stories and poems" and then under "Jenns Creations". That's not even close to all I have here. Just knock on my door below and find out for yourself! If these stories, poems, and prayers have touched you in some way I would love to hear from you. It great to know God is still very much alive and is working in our lives today!!(Psalms 14:1 "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.) Have fun, and don't forget to bookmark this page and visit again soon!

Devotionals for women from Jenn!
click here!

This Christians In Action site is owned by Jennifer.

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One knock (click) on my door will start your visit through some great inspirational stories, poems, cards and so much more...don't forget to pass them along to a friend! :-) Let's get the good news out!

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Inspirations 4 U from Jenn is an inspirational corner that includes poems, short stories, women's corner, kidz zone, with links to favorite sites in each category

Email: inspirations4u@angelfire.com