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Faith Presbyterian Church

9800 Stonestreet Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40272
Brenson P. Bishop, Pastor

Schedule of Worship


Faith Presbyterian is a dynamic church located in the Valley Station Community fifteen miles southwest of Louisville. Faith Presbyterian is a member church of the Presbyterian Church USA, and is one of fifty six churches in the Louisville Presbytery.

Faith Church was incorporated in 1958 and has been a fixture in Valley Station over the decades. The majority of the approximately 90 member congregation are local residents with strong ties to the Valley Station community. The church is located at 9800 Stonestreet Road, one block southeast of the intersection with Third Street Road.

As Christians, the members of Faith believe in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. We always welcome those into our midst who are seeking to build their spiritual life around the example of our Lord. We also believe in the intellectual and spiritual freedom of our individual members. While members may not agree on all matters of doctrine and faith, we continue to nurture one another in the spirit of Christ. We urge you and your family to worship with us this Sunday as we celebrate the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
