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Sunset, Sunrise
by Canyon 315

DISCLAIMER: All characters property of WEP. Feel free to distribute among friends!

~~ Author's Comments ~~ This is my first fanfic ever written about the Voltron Force; so bear with me. This fanfic takes place two months after the Fleet of Doom episode, and does NOT follow the plot in any other fanfic of mine. Sorry it took me so long to get this fanfic up. My computer broke down in December and I couldn't replace it until March. It may be out of season but who cares! I don't. Thanks for reading! -- December 18, 1998

Chapter 1: The Last Blissful Night

Allura stood at the balcony of the castle; lost in the sunset.

Romelle, Sven, and Bandor should be arriving soon. She thought absently to herself. For that night was Christmas Eve, and ever since last year it had been decided to celebrate Christmas for the sake of the Space Explorers. The ballroom was heavily decorated, under supervision of those who knew best. Nanny and the chefs were busily cooking a Christmas feast to be eaten that night; while trying to keep any drooling passerby away from 'sampling' the food. Allura had helped out best she could with preparations, but had slipped away to have time to herself. Lotor hadn't attacked in over two months; but everyone knew from way too much experience that he hadn't given up just yet.

"Zarkon is probably still recovering from his big defeat two months ago." Coran had said, reminding everyone to be on their guard for trouble. Still, the break gave them a chance to relax and a taste of Peace. Lance interrupted her thoughts when he announced a Polloxian ship was entering Arusian airspace. Allura followed Lance down to the castle entrance. They arrived just when the ship was landing. Coran gave the two a disapproving look for being late. Sure enough, out came Romelle, Sven, and Bandor.

"It's good to be home for the holidays" Sven joked after seeing the welcome party. After a joyful reunion Nanny ran out to the group.

"Sorry I'm late", she panted. " I was busy with dinner" After a few minutes she regained her breath. "Well, go inside and eat! I've spent all day slaving over these outrageous meals. I will not have them get cold!"

"Praise the Lord!" yelled Hunk; surprising everyone especially Nanny. "I 've been starving all day. Let's go!" Everyone followed him at a run into the castle. The Christmas dinner was a combination of traditional dinners from everyone. The dinner consisted of the following: turkey, chicken, lasagna, duck, lamb, ham, an assortment of seafood, steak, buffalo wings, potatoes, corn, cranberries, carrots, biscuits, an assortment of salads, porkbutts, and tatters. Dinner was full of joyous laughter and commotion. Quite a difference compared to the near-silent ones that they were used to. Sven, who was usually so quiet, was right in the thick of things, and was getting quite loud. Nanny wanted to quiet him down, but after receiving 'don't you dare' looks from the Force, she changed her mind. No one (except for Romelle) had ever seen him like this.

Living on Pollux sure has changed him., thought Keith. Romelle must have influenced him immensely. Everyone was getting a kick out of this. This could be the only time that they would see him like this. Dessert was made up of an assortment of pies, cakes, and Nanny's homemade ice cream. The leftovers could have lasted for months, but would only last a week courtesy of Hunk's black hole for a stomach. A Christmas party was scheduled for eight o'clock that evening.

"Be on time." Coran commanded.

"And dressed in decent apparel." finished Nanny.

* * * * *

Keith was putting on his royal suit he was given by Galaxy Garrison when he arrived on Arus.

I guess all the others are wearing the same thing. Except for Sven. He wasn't here when the outfits were sent. He's probably wearing a Polloxian royal outfit he was given when he arrived on Pollux. He thought to himself. Hmm. . . since I'm close to the princess's room, maybe she needs an escort to the party.

"Why not." He headed toward her room. Lance saw him and decided to something that would cost Lance his life . . . the ultimate Christmas tradition. He ran off to complete his mission. Allura was giving herself one final lookover by the time Keith arrived. She was dressed in a yellow dress covered by a red counterpoint. The dress went around her slim waist before it flowed into a wide hoop. Her beauty radiated off of her boundlessly. Keith stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds before regaining his senses. Allura saw him and felt flattered at his expression.

"Yes, Keith?"

"I-uh thought you might want an escort to the party."

"Why, Keith. I'd be honored." They walked out hand-in-hand 'till Lance made his presence known.

"Ahem. Oh Keith?" They both looked at him. "You forgot one little thing." All of them looked up at the top of the door. Apparently Lance had put up the ultimate Christmas tradition . . .mistletoe. "You know what to do, Princess or not."

"I'd rather not."

"Gimme a break, Keith. You were always a stickler for tradition. You used to diss anyone who ignored tradition. Don't you dare put yourself on that list."

"Not with her. . ."

Lance interrupted. "Like I said, Princess or not, do it."

"After the party, I will personally kill you for this."

"No you won't. You're going to enjoy it, trust me."

"What if . . ."

"Everyone INCLUDING Coran and Nanny are in the ballroom. I made sure of that for your sake. Now, it's already after 8:00. Would you please get this over with before we miss the party." Allura stood there watching the two with unnoticeable fear on her face wondering what Keith was supposed to do.

"OK, I'll do it." Keith agreed reluctantly. He put Allura into an embrace, looked into her eyes, and kissed her eagerly. Allura kissed him back earnestly.

Maybe this will bring him to senses. hoped Lance. They broke off after a few minutes. Keith then gave Lance a deadly look as Lance ran off in fear. He knew Keith usually backed up anything he said, and an ass kickin' session was always backed up.

"At least he didn't place it in the ballroom." started Allura.

"Coran and Nanny would've had my head, tradition or not." finished Keith. They looked at each other before breaking into a laughing fit. Still laughing, they raced to the ballroom. The time was 8:30 by the time they arrived, As expected, both Coran and Nanny gave them disapproving looks. Apparently, Lance arrived ten minutes before them. He had kept his mouth shut concerning what had happened earlier.

Not in any hurry to cause a scandal. Lance's eyes seemed to say. The ballroom was festive enough for the occasion. Holly was strung all over the walls as a huge tree was set right in the center of the room, covered with all sorts of decorations, including a beautiful star on top. Everyone was dressed in holiday fashions. The atmosphere was perfect for the occasion. Allura and Romelle caught up on what was happening in their lives and the deal with Lotor. The boys got to know the 'new Sven' a bit better. Evidently, he had been with Romelle more often then usual lately and had moved into the castle. The boys were behaving themselves pretty well, although they all wanted to cut back and hang loose.

"It's a party, right? So why can't we party!" Lance complained. "I haven't been to a good party since our last year at the academy. You know, our Graduation party thrown by the seniors."

"There will never be another party like that Lance, ESPECIALLY not in the Castle of Lions with Allura, Coran, and Nanny in charge." Answered Keith. "Not unless you want to cause a soap opera."

"A soap what?"

"Let me put it this way: unless you want us all banished from Arus, lose our positions on the Voltron Force, never be able to see Allura again, and have G.G. put us in permanent K.P. duty, you never want to party like that here."

"Some wild party, Keith. My God, what on Arus did you do at the party if it would have that disastrous results?" The group turned around to see Allura and Romelle listening in to the entire ordeal.

"Ah, nothing that deserves to be mentioned in front of ladies." The conversation was cut short when the grand piano was playing Christmas carols.

"Care to dance, Allura?" Keith bowed, apologizing for the rude conversation they shared a few minutes before.

"'Bout time you ask . . ." She was cut short as she was swept into his arms and led onto the dance floor.

"Don't they make the cutest couple, Hunk?" Pidge commented on the two.
Hunk bit back a laugh before answering. "Not a bit." Hunk answered while trying to control his laughter. "They do!"

"Who?" Hunk pointed to the couple dancing behind Sven & Romelle."Them!"

"Who?!" Pidge still couldn't see who it was dancing that was so funny.

"Try Lance & Nanny!" Hunk couldn't take it anymore. He fell to the floor laughing his head off.

"WHAT!!!???" Pidge now saw them but he couldn't believe it. Everyone knew Lance couldn't stand Nanny and vice versa. He had made a pretty bad impression on her the night they met. He never observed proper behavior around the princess and Nanny always got angry when Lance treated her like 'one of the guys' in front of her face. No one else dared to so in front of Nanny, but only Keith really observed proper behavior towards the princess when Nanny was around. The guys had teased him about it at first, but they knew it was only an act so Nanny would let her be on the team. Everyone knew when Nanny wasn't in earshot, Keith mostly treated her as one of them. Pidge also broke down after that and had joined Hunk on the floor, acting like monkeys.

"What do you think is so funny?" Keith asked Allura after seeing Hunk and Pidge bust a gut laughing. Allura held back a giggle at the sight.

"Lance is dancing with Nanny and he's acting like a perfect gentlemen."

"That's not the Lance I know."

"Take a look for yourself."

Keith glanced in their direction and sure enough, Lance was not being himself at all. "Must be the porkbutts and tatters he pigged out on."

"Maybe, but don't forget, so did we."

"Guess so. Uh, Allura I'm totally sorry about what happened with Lance earlier. I didn't plan on everything happening the way it did. I'm. . ."

Allura put her finger to his lips, silencing him immediately. "Keith, unlike Coran and Nanny, I am not ashamed of you. I was actually honored by what you did tonight. I. . ." She was interrupted by a scream from Nanny. The spell the porkbutts and tatters had given him wore off. He started to tell her about the graduation party. He hadn't gone too far before he recalled an event that drove her up the wall.


"What did he tell her Keith?" Allura demanded.

"I'm not sure. There were many an event that were deadly for any of you to know."

"We better get out of here before she carries out her threat."

"She wouldn't."

"Oh, yes she would Keith. Trust me. I know her better then any of you." By that time everyone except for Lance, Nanny, and Coran had fled. Coran was going to chew Lance up and spit him out pretty badly.

"Let's go. I've been to that party and it is pretty bad stuff to mention to Nanny." Keith ordered. They both ran at a dead run and didn't stop until they reached Allura's door.

"Whew, at least we made it out of there alive." Allura panted.

"I can't say the same for Lance. We may have to throw him to the Lions after Coran and Nanny get through with him." Keith responded. "Oh well. He deserved it. What happened at the party should never be told to Nanny. Even mentioning it could get us kicked out." He turned to Allura. "Well, despite what happened with Lance I hoped you enjoyed today even if you don't celebrate. I know I did."

"Of course I did. I know I've enjoyed a lot these past celebrations with you guys."

"Well, good night Allura."

"Good night Keith." The sprig of mistletoe was still hanging on the door. Keith noticed it just before Allura did.

"No sense arguing with tradition." Keith replied carelessly. He pulled Allura close to him and gave her one helluva good night/Christmas kiss. He broke off, grabbed the mistletoe, bowed, and left. Allura went to bed that night with a light heart. Everything was going the way she wanted. No Lotor, the party, Sven being his old self again, Lance remaining true to himself, her dance with Keith, and the kisses with Keith. I know now he loves me just as much I him. But things can't stay the way they were. For a while this night would be . . . the last blissful night.

Chapter 2: The Holy Day From Hell

Everyone woke up Christmas morning around 10:00 AM. Quite a late sleep compared to 4:00-6:00 AM wake ups they had been observing for months. Even workaholic Keith slept till 10:00 and enjoyed the rest. Everyone one was at the table demanding a large breakfast by 11:00. Sven scanned the table for Lance, with no luck.

"Where's Lance?"

"Right here." Answered a very upset and humbled Lance. His face was totally bruised, he was limping, and he refused to sit down. "I won't be able to sit for a week."

"You deserved it." Keith replied dryly. "I warned you to never tell anyone about that party, ESPECIALLY no one living in this castle most of their lives. What happened last night was your own fault. Expect no pity from anyone." Lance scanned the room to find any truth in his last sentence. Keith was right. Everyone sided with Keith about the party. Sven had to. Only Keith, Lance, and Sven had gone to the party. Pidge was still living on Balto at the time and Hunk had graduated the year before. Everyone had met a few years afterward when they were assigned on the same mission as a team. They've been good friends ever since. Lance accepted the truth and had put the blame on himself. When Nanny wheeled in breakfast, she saw Lance and was prepared to give him Round 2.

"Nanny, let's not get it on." Lance pleaded.

"Enough, Nanny. If any more punishment must be given, I will be the one to give it, as his commanding officer." Keith told Nanny. Nanny laid off and wished that everyone could enjoy this day without any attacks from Lotor. Her wish was turned around as Coran received a message from Queen Merla.

* * * * *

Coran had called everyone into the conference room with distressing news. "Queen Merla has given me news about Doom's current status." A silence fell across the room. They haven't heard from Merla in months. They all had hoped the she would carry out her promise to become good as she said she would. They knew now that she had done it. She was good and a new ally for Voltron. "During the past two months Zarkon had been preparing an armada of Doomships. Those Doomships are powerful enough to destroy the entire galaxy. The only way to be able to destroy the ships is to put Planet Doom, King Zarkon, Hagar, Cossack, and Lotor out of commission permanently. Our fight has been going on for years. The causalities are incalculable. Many planets have suffered tremendous attacks, many innocent people have died, many people have been taken as slaves; the time has finally come for peace. All of you, go to Doom and destroy Zarkon's empire. Remember, if one ship is able to leave Doom, the entire universe will be destroyed."

Keith wasn't so sure that when he said 'all of you' he meant it. Surely 'all of you' meant everyone BUT Allura. While they were fighting Doom forces, she would be, yet again for the millionth time, a prisoner in her own castle. Outraged, Keith stood from his chair. "Allura comes with us." He demanded in a dead serious tone of voice. Coran just stared at him as if he was deaf as well as stupid.

"Of course she's going. What do think I meant by 'all of you'?

The usual. Keith thought. "You heard him, team. We have to disable all Doom forces. If we fail, the entire universe pays for it. Sven, Romelle, and Bandor will travel in the Lions. Once on Doom, they will be ground forces, used to free the slaves, and destroy Doom equipment. The mice will travel in Blue Lion and will use the Lion Cub to destroy Doom soldiers. Lance, despite your condition you're still piloting Red Lion. You'll be sitting on an extra soft bolster. Get to the lions!"

* * * * *

Everyone saw Doom with heavy hearts. They knew they had to break every Galaxy Garrison rule in order to ensure universal peace. The subject of murdering Zarkon, Lotor, Hagar, and Cossack was still up for grabs. Coran hadn't mentioned anything about killing them, but they were the main causes of the Doom war. Even if they had no power, no weapons, no ships, no nothing, the universe would be in just as much, if not more, danger as it was when they had everything. Galaxy Garrison had ordered all defense forces to NEVER kill the Doom leaders. Peace was the main priority and peace required them alive. It had to be done. It wasn't enough to just destroy all weapons, all ships. The leaders had to go along with the planet. Yes, it had been decided. Everything that ever bore the name of Doom had to go. They landed on Doom with extreme prejudice. The planet's surface was teeming with slaves and Doom soldiers were killing them. Zarkon no longer had use for them. They had served their purpose; to build the Doomships. Now that the ships were built the slaves were useless. Instead of letting them go to tell Galaxy Garrison and the Voltron force, they had to be killed.

"Zarkon's insane! Killing millions of innocent people after putting them through hell, taking them away from their homes, families and friends, having them watch others be killed! WHAT IN HELL IS THIS, A CONCENTRATION CAMP!!! Keith roared, angered at the sight. "Zarkon's going down, even if I haveta surrender Voltron if that's what it takes. Protect the slaves. Destroy all Doom soldiers!" he ordered. The Lions aimed all lasers towards the soldiers and put force fields around groups of slaves. The Lion Cub went to work while Sven, Romelle, and Bandor worked on the soldiers themselves. Cossack herded what was left of the soldiers onto slaveships and fled the planet. They had saved a bulk of the slaves, but a great deal had been lost. The battleground reeked of blood and defeat. Most of the surviving slaves were mourning the loss of a loved one. The Force's hatred toward Zarkon grew immensely, but not enough to cause a rage, yet. The Lions headed off toward the Doomships while the ground forces got slaves to ships to travel home.

"Good luck Voltron!" called Sven with a twinge of longing to be with them in battle.

"This is it team. Form Voltron! Activate interlocks! Dynotherms connected! Infracells up! Megathrusters are go!"

"Let's go Voltron Force!"

* * * * *


"Merla told of our plans, your highness." Answered Hagar.


"I imagine Lotor, sire."


"Get out there yourself, Father. Why should I mess up yet another brilliant plan of yours. If you do it yourself you won't fail and Voltron will be yours."

Zarkon considered this for a moment and decided Lotor, for the first time in his life, was right. "Very well then. Hagar, come with me. You will help me in MY domination of Voltron! HA HA HA!"

Hagar wondered what kind of plan he had in mind. Normally, Lotor would never pass up a chance to have the glory and honor of defeating Voltron. Lotor smiled grimly to himself, knowing Zarkon had fallen for his trap.

* * * * *

Voltron was armed and ready for battle. He headed toward the space above Doom to protect the slaves from any more danger. Besides, the ships were in space, ready to take off.

Zarkon fired up the Doomships and took control of the main ship with Hagar inside. "Hmph! What ever my ship does the rest do the same. With 76 ships and one Voltron there is no way I can lose! HA HA HA!"

Keith knew the only way to destroy the fleet was to take out the main ship. With it gone the rest would follow. The question was . . . "Which ship is the main ship?" he asked his teammates.

"Why should we know, Keith?" questioned Allura.

"The main ship is the key to destroying the fleet. Once the main ship goes the whole fleet follows. Aim all weapons towards the main ship once we find it."

Zarkon let loose a whole bunch of lazon cannons, hitting Voltron in key places, the lion heads.

"Voltron is mine!" He fired some more cannons causing Voltron to fall.

"Voltron's down!" shouted Sven as they finished getting the slaves off of Doom.

"Let's go help! Answered Romelle as she ran off. Bandor followed.

* * * * *

Hunk had noticed one ship fired a few seconds before the others. It has to be the main ship. He fired at that ship causing considerable damage. "That's the main ship team! Destroy!"

Voltron fired all of its missiles at the head of the ship. The ship faltered a bit before getting back into position.

"Perfect. Form Blazing Sword!"

Red Lion held it carefully as he ran it through the ship. "One more time, team! Just to make it final." Blazing Sword ran through the head ship once more. This time it ran through Zarkon and Hagar killing them instantly. The ship's pieces fell to the ground while the other 75 ships exploded in their places. Lotor saw what happened from Castle Doom. My plan is complete. I am King of Doom. Allura will be my Queen.

"WHOO HOO! ZARKON'S GONE DOWN!" Keith cheered.

"ARUS IS FREE AT LAST!" Allura cheered.


"HA, WE DONE IT! BYE BYE ZARKON!" Lance cheered.


Everyone didn't celebrate long. Romelle thought her heart would break with joy when she saw the ship go down in flames. "We've-we've done it." She panted, hardly believing her eyes. "WE ARE FREE FOREVER OF ZARKON!" Sven smiled, proud that despite everything, he is not as useless as he had thought, when he was living in the Pit of Skulls. He had done his part to protect the universe from Zarkon, as he originally set out to do. The head of the Doomship was falling dangerously close to Sven. Doom's gravity was weaker then Arus, causing the ship to be suspended until it reached near the surface.

"SVEN, LOOK OUT!" Fearing for his life, Romelle ran over to him, knocking him out of harms way, putting herself in tremendous danger. The ship landed on her as she rolled away from the ship. She died instantly.

"ROMELLE!" Sven yelled, knowing what had happened, rushed to her side. The Voltron Force exited Voltron and ran over. They knew what had happened. Sven had broken down. It was hard to see him crack like that. After all that he had been through, Hagar's attack, his recovery on Ebb, his madness in the Pit of Skulls, and now this would kill him. It would kill him. He would never be the same again. Everyone was at her side bawling. Keith turned away with a sick expression as well as tears. All of a sudden, he was filled with memories: Arus, war torn and defeated, its beauty only a memory in those who had seen it; Zarkon ravaging planets for slaves and gold, causing political problems; Lotor's many futile attempts to make Allura his bride; slaves being tortured and killed, being given their freedom only if they helped Doom destroy Voltron; Avoc killed being a toy for Zarkon while Romelle suffered at the hand of Lotor for months; Balto wasted for slaves; Sven nearly killed because of his position; and (although he was not there he still saw it) the final blow that killed King Alfor at the Valley of Zohar. Lotor was a part of the reason for all that happened. With him still alive all of that could happen again. Lotor was the cause of Romelle's death and it wasn't about to go unavenged. Lotor saw his chance to nab Allura for his bride. She and the rest of the group were busy mourning Romelle's death. He snuck up from behind and grabbed Allura, holding his sword to her neck.

"Make one move to stop me and I'll kill her." No one moved a muscle. One death of a loved one was all that they could take in one day. Their anger grew towards Lotor at a horrifying rate. They didn't change expression as he dragged her into Castle Doom. After the door closed they ran toward it at great speed.

"Hurry! Get the door open! Lord knows what he's doing to her inside!" Lance ordered.

"Stand back, boys. I'm ready to rip this door down" Hunk demanded, eyes a blazing. Everyone stepped back in fear. Only once had they seen that look on his face and it wasn't pretty what happened afterward. Hunk rammed the door down like a bull. After savoring the moment, everyone fled to the throne room where King Lotor was keeping his pretty captive. They had arrived as soon as they heard . . .

"Now that I am King of Doom, I shall MAKE you my bride and Queen."

"Never, Lotor! I would rather have my friends killed before my eyes then BE YOUR WIFE!!!!!!!" she exploded. Lotor had her in his arms holding her to him as she struggled to escape.

"Let her go, Lotor. If you wish to live." Keith ordered in a voice that was not Keith's. It had everyone including Lotor scared. Lotor laughed.

"If I wished to live I wouldn't do this." Lotor forcibly kissed Allura and held her to him. She strived to escape his grasp but with no avail. Every time she tried he just held her closer and harder. Everyone was filled with a blinding rage.

That does it Lotor. You've gone too far on this one. Keith began to see red and felt the need to kill him. He got ready to run but Sven beat him to it. Lotor saw him, threw Allura to the ground knocking her unconscious, and attempted to grab his sword. Sven ran him through with his own sword. He was dead. It took a while before everyone could grasp what had happened. Outside, the weapons array of the main Doomship detonated. The whole planet shook with tremors. Doom was going to explode.

"GET TO THE LIONS!" Keith ordered. He didn't need to say it twice. Everyone ran out the minute the first tremor hit. He grabbed Allura and followed everyone outside. The castle collapsed the minute Keith got out. The tremors grew worse as Black Lion flew out of there. The Lions didn't look back until they were sure they were out of range. They turned around and watched Doom explode, soon becoming nothing but Space. This time it was real. No one cheered right away after seeing its destruction. Everything was taking its time being digested and being confirmed that it was reality.

"Well, Doom is gone." Lance broke the uneasy silence. They knew what would happen the minute Zarkon's forces were defeated.

"Our work here is done." Sven summarized. Keith glanced sadly at the space where Doom was.

"Too bad Allura wasn't there to see it." Keith glanced at Allura, still unconscious, in his Lion. "Let's go home and break the news to Coran and Nanny."

"They're not going to be happy with us." Hunk replied solemnly. "Coran insisted she go with us. What happened was. . . well, what happened. ... I guess." Pidge responded. The Lions headed toward Arus with heavy hearts.

* * * * *
