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As he had predicted, Bouchet was waiting for him at the Castle gates. "My father was right. You were sent here to do an inside job. Well, you done it all right, a damn good job. Now my father's been captured by Lotor; my mother and Chaila feel betrayed; and the remaining members of the force are ready to sic the Lions on you. You're lucky our ties with G.G. are sore lately. Otherwise you'd be joining your father in Bastille 12. Only this time you'd be sent to the chair, as Lotor should've!"

"Bouchet, I had nothing to do with . . ."

Bouchet cut him short. "Silence! When you first came here my mother allowed you judgment. On behalf of her wishes I pass it now, EXILE!"

Tirion bolted away from the castle gates. Bouchet ran back inside and went to Black Lion. Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Chaila joined him in their respective Lions. They formed Voltron by the time Tirion got to his ship. As he sped away from the planet Voltron attacked his ship. He chased him off far away from Arus. He crash-landed on a planet in the Crimson Quadrant. Voltron left him there to die.

"I swear Voltron, I'll regain you trust! I'll rescue Keith from Lotor myself!" He shouted between tears. "I'll win you back Chaila." He said more softly. He checked his ship. It wasn't even worth salvaging it was that much destroyed. It couldn't be repaired, not even by Hunk and Pidge.

He walked around the planet in despair. But something made him look around. There was something familiar about this place but he swore he never had been there before. It was dark and cold and reeked of blood. He saw an old stadium in ruins. Bones littered the arena, human and beasts. He saw an old piece of cloth hanging from what looked like a royal viewing box. He gasped. Although it was faded with the years it looked like a piece from Zarkon's old robe.

Am . . . am I on Doom? He shook his head of the thought. It can't be. Doom is supposed to me covered with G.G. soldiers. Why would they abandon it now?

He saw an old castle in ruins. He rushed up to it and entered through a large hole in the wall. He entered it and followed littered passageways till he got to the throne room. He gasped. He knew where he was.

"They chased me all the way to Doom. It figures. I don't belong on Ursan . . . or Arus. I belong here." He shuddered at the thought.

"Who says you don't belong on Ursan?" A voice sounded.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Tirion demanded.

A figure stepped out of the darkness. She was dressed in a torn and ragged brown robe. Her face, disfigured and ugly but her yellow eyes which once shown brightly was dulled with time. She was pronounced dead by his father along with Zarkon.

"Whadda ya know. The witch can't be killed." He joked as to not let Hagar know how he was truly feeling.

"Don't put up a front for me, prince. I can tell when someone is lying. And after all those wasted years of lies and more lies, I have no tolerance for it."

"I'm sorry. Lotor taught me differently."

"Hold your tongue, boy. He is your father and will be treated as such."

"He is no longer my father. I'm different than he is and he can't accept that. He banished me from Ursan and tried to kill me afterward. He used me as a pawn to capture Keith and now I can't go back to Arus, my true home." he snapped at her.

"Your father hasn't changed at all. I'm pleased to see you have."

"Why? I thought you were still allied with him."

"After Doom's defeat I watched Zarkon die a slow and painful death. Then I saw Lotor taken away in chains. I learned too late the price to pay for evil. I hid in the ruins and faked my death. I realized all of Lotor's mistakes and when I heard about you I prayed you wouldn't be like him. I've changed, Tirion. I'm good now. Believe me."

"I believe you. Do you still have your magic?"

"As strong as ever."

"Could you help me rescue Keith from Lotor?"

"With pleasure. I hate him as much as you. He was a fool."

"Who will rot in Bastille 12 for life." Tirion finished.

They shook hands symbolizing an alliance between the two.

* * * * *

They readied themselves for the mission ahead. Using her powers Hagar knew where they had taken Keith.

"He's a hostage on Ursan."

"Why would Lotor be stupid enough to hold him on Ursan?" Tirion asked.

"Galaxy Garrison doesn't approve on some of the issues on Arus. They think that now Keith is King, they have control over Arus, because Keith was once a soldier with them. They want a new Voltron Force to fly and to have it travel to certain trouble spots in the universe."

"What does that havta do with it?"

"Some of the members who were in power in his time are still there, but their opinions don't count. It's a younger generation, who thinks they know everything, are in power. They won't help find Keith. Voltron will look anywhere but Ursan for Keith."

"It figures he uses his twisted mind to think up strategy like that. Even if we told Voltron that they wouldn't believe us." Tirion commented.

"Not you, but maybe they would if I told them."

"Why would they believe you?"

"You trusted me quick enough, so I'm going to go in a disguise."

"Good idea but how do we travel? My ship is beyond repair."

"I've built two small cruiser ships with spare parts and magic. It can take us wherever we want."

"Great! Go to Arus. Tell Bouchet where Keith is. I'm goin' after Lotor!"

* * * * *

Hagar, dressed as an old woman, met Allura at the Castle gates. "My Queen, I have heard top-secret information concerning Lotor's kidnaping. He is holding the King hostage on Ursan."

"Thank you. Your help will get Keith back here safe and put Lotor back in Bastille 12."

"Anything for my majesties." Hagar replied as she walked off.

Instead of running to the others and telling them the news as Hagar had hoped, she ran to Blue Lion and took off. Hagar watched her ship as it flew off. Stupid girl, she's gonna try to rescue Keith herself, just what Lotor wants. This will not help in the plan. Hagar thought as she told Tirion what happened.

* * * * *

"Great, now she wrecked our rescue plan. I'm going after her. Hopefully I can help." He turned off his communicator and ran for his ship.

"Tirion don't do this, stick to the plan! It's not going to work if you do it this way!" Hagar shouted into the communicator. When Tirion didn't answer she got back into her disguise and went back into the castle. She told everyone the news, including Allura took off to rescue him herself.

To Be Continued Soon...

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