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"..And They Lived Happily Ever After.."
by Tamysan

The wedding was beautiful Everything was beautiful, for the princess of Arus - no, Queen now - was married. Everyone's wishes and dreams were fulfilled when she married Captain Keith, leader of the Voltron Force and now the Queen's consort of Arus.

Although he was considered a commoner, he had found favor in the eyes of the Arusian people for he had saved not only Arus but their princess. Their romance had been a long drawn out affair, for while the princess' feelings were known for the dashing pilot, his had taken time to come out, and even then they had been drawn out by Allura's near abduction by Prince Lotor of Doom.

The only reason he had not attacked at her wedding to Keith was due to the fact that he was grievously injured in his last attack. Keith had gained the upper hand as most heroes seemed to do, and wounded him terribly. He was placed in stasis and in his dreams he dreamed of Allura, of what had happened between them, of the brief kiss where she had melted for a moment. Her fire flared for an instant until the hated and familiar sound of Black Lion was heard. Then she became the struggling damsel against the black hearted knight.

But curse him, he loved her more than Keith ever could or would.

Lotor awoke and by that time Allura was married and he was in a rage - at first. Then he remembered her brief fire and smiled. To the surprise of his father and Hagar, he seemingly set aside his passion for Allura and went about his duties. Although Voltron still thwarted him occasionally, he did notice that now that Allura was married, no longer did he become distracted by Blue Lion. More often than not, he was distracted by the Black Lion, meaning to kill Keith, but as always with heroes, he never bit the dust.

In his heart he never gave up and he never forgot the fire of her brief surrender.

A few years pass. Zarkon finally succumbed to his own evil machinations and Lotor took the throne. He was king of Doom now, king of an empire without a Queen. He knew he needed to have one - to have an heir...

But he remembered the brief fire of her kiss. How in the seven hells had he become so patient? At times he wanted to simply forget her, perhaps have her killed just to put himself out of his misery, but he remembered that moment of weakness in her and so he stayed his hand.

On Arus, Queen Allura, left alone while her husband was doing his heroic duty sighed. It had not been as she thought it would be. At first there was a spark during the honeymoon and perhaps it was because of the newness of discovering each other, but after that it was simply flat. She was a realist. Things did not always stay the same, but Keith was so distant. She could not feel the passion within him. It was as if he were afraid to let it show. He rarely ever said "I love you" unless he were prodded to do so. Always it was duty, duty, duty. She had duty too as a Queen, but she also was a woman.

There were times when Keith treated her like furniture. What had happened? They had seemed so right..

Or was it everyone THOUGHT they were right?

Sometimes and it seemed more frequent as of late, she thought of cat's eyes set in a beautiful angelic face. Long white hair that ached to be touched and a strong body whose hands were gentle yet could wield a sword with no difficulty. Always he had pursued her and always she had refused. It was always no, no, no..

What if she had said yes? What would he have done? What would he do now?

She took a trip. Nanny did not know where she was going and Coran thought she was going to the other side of the planet to visit her aunt. Of course that wasn't where she was going. When her ship was identified and she made contact, Lotor smirked. He knew - well maybe he wasn't sure - but he knew that one day she would come.

When she walked into the throne room, he met her halfway. She looked the same except perhaps even more lovlier, her eyes a bit more wise. He found he liked that, but there was still a hint of the undiscovered woman in her, something that Keith did not touch in her.

He decided to break their silence by saying a old line.

"At last you're mine, Allura.."

He could almost hear the old echo of her voice saying, "No! I'll never be yours, Lotor!"

Incredibly she smiled and said, "Yes, I am."

His eyes widened a little and he dared to draw her close. She did not resist. He kissed her and he felt the spark ignite as if there had never been a separation. Her arms went around him, her hands in his hair and the spark turned into flames. When at last he carried her into his bedroom, both of them knew there was no turning back.

With Lotor there was not only the physical joy of joining but the mental one as well. They both released their passions and Allura knew that it had never been this way with Keith. Even at their most intimate, he held back, but with Lotor there was no holding back and she relished it.

Afterwards they held each other and Lotor determined that he would keep Allura. He would not give her up this time. she was his and that's all there was to it. In his way, he kept her there and strangely enough, Allura stayed, even after Coran panicked and did his obligatory hand-wringing and Keith returned, spouting his "touch her and you're dust, Lotor" speech.

Allura had nearly bust a gut when Lotor replied, "Then I am the happiest pile of dust in the universe, you tight-ass!"

Of course there was a fight - or rather there almost was one when Allura announced to Keith, "I'm divorcing you.."

Keith in Black Lion said incredulously,"You're divorcing me in the middle of a fight?"

Allura shrugged. Duty, duty, duty...

"Allura, my duty comes first.."

"Allura? Hey..."

She was shook out of her daydreams by Keith, who had been speaking to her.


"Gee, I had this speech ready and well.." He grinned rather shyly.

"Oh. " She said flatly. Where was Lotor?

"Anyway, Allura, like I was saying, I have my duty and all, but I'd be so honored if you - "

"Um hummm.." Allura looked around at the secluded wooded area of the Castle, hoping for a miracle of some sort. She suddenly had this distaste of Keith for some reason.

"Marry me..." Keith took out an engagement ring.

Allura was startled. But before she could say a thing a figure leapt out of the woods.

"Allura! You're mine! You will be MY Queen!" Lotor, prince of Doom declared, brandishing his sword at Keith and grabbing Allura - as most villains do.

"Damn right!" Allura said relieved. Lotor smirked.

Keith, being the hero type did not hear the princess' comment and bravely took out his own weapon.

"Lotor! You let her go!"

"Maybe I don't WANT to be let go!" Allura said.

Keith's mouth dropped open. "WHAT?"

"You heard her, fool!" Lotor smiled.

"Allura! You don't MEAN that! He's LOTOR!"

"So? I'm Allura and you're Keith and he's Lotor.."

"But - but..I just proposed.." Keith sputtered.

Allura visibly shuddered. "No, Keith."

"NO?" Keith cried out. "Lotor, you fiend! You did something!"

"Not yet.." Allura smiled to herself.

"Come my dear.." Lotor smiled.

"WAIT! Come back here and fight me! Lotor!"

"Keith, tell Coran I'll be back after our wedding.."

"WEDDING! OHMYGOD!! Allura! NO!" Keith wailed.

"Don't worry, Captain Keith. I'll take care of Allura AND Arus won't be under attack any more..."

"ALLURA!" Keith yelled. "You can't do this! Lotor! Come back here and fight like a man!"

"Sorry, I have BETTER things to do.." Lotor smirked as he led away Allura to his waiting ship quickly. When he had her strapped in and the ship in flight, he went towards the back where Hagar waited.

"I owe you, witch." he hissed.

"That's right, Lotor..BIG!" the old witch cackled softly.

"Talk to me AFTER our honeymoon.." he smirked.

"Hey, that'll take YEARS!!" Hagar protested but Lotor had already left the room.

At any rate, they reached Doom, where Zarkon, surprised that Lotor actually got Allura AND Arus in one swoop, had a heart attack and died. Lotor and Allura were married and had a very long honeymoon which Doom legend contends was through their entire marriage.

And Keith? He had a nervous breakdown after Arus was made peaceful and he had nothing to do but polish Black Lion to a buff shine. The other guys grew sick of his surprise inspections at 2 am and had him commited to the Happy Ex-Soldiers Home on Earth where he knitted and became a rather good Monopoly player.

As for Lotor and Allura they lived happily (more or less) after..

the end

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