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Road Dog vs. Bossman Winner: Bossman put his finisher slam on Road Dog out of nowhere in a match dominated by Road Dog.

Ken Shamrock vs. Billy Gunn (Intercontinental Title) Winner: Shamrock by ankle lock. The ref gets knocked out, and Val Venis comes out and DDT's Shamrock. The ref wakes up as Billy Gunn is pinning Shamrock, but Shamrock kicks out. Billy hurts himself jumping off the top rope, and Ken applies the ankle lock.
Gangrel vs. X-Pac (European Title Match) Winner: X-Pac hits the XFactor and gets the pin.
Luna vs. Sable (Women Title Match) Also a Strap Match Winner: Sable. Each wrestler had to touch four corners before the other to win, and they were tied together with a strap. Both had touched three, and were going for the fourth, when Sable's "Fan" came out and decked Luna. Sable touched the fourth corner and won the match.
Rock vs. Mankind (WWF World Title) "I QUIT" Match Winner: The Rock played a fake sound clip of Mankind saying "I QUIT" over the announcements and wins. But, despite never being incontrol, this was another great show on the part of Mick Foley. He took another historic beating which involved 15 chair shots to the head, and being thrown from a high level of stands, onto the electrical circuit breaker which sizzled out as Mankind hit it.
Royal Rumble Winner: Vince McMahon. Austin beat up McMahon when the bell rang, and they fought all around the arena until they were ambushed by The Corporation, and Austin was taken off in an ambulance. The rest of the rumble went on, and a surprise entry was Mabel, who was taken off in a herse by the Undertaker. McMahon stayed outside and did commentary throughout the rumble. With about 5 guys left in the Rumble, austin drove back in his ambulance, and ran in the ring and started elminating people. He eliminated everyone, then went outside to get McMahon. He gave McMahon a chair shot to the head, and threw him in the ring and stunnered him. He was about to throw out Vince when the Rock came down and started fighting with Austin on the ring apron, Vince got up and pushed him out from behind and that was all she wrote.