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Welcome To My World

I have learned to hold on to things loosely,
when I hold on to them tightly,
God has to pry them out of my hands
and that hurts.

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Make sure you take an extra minute to sign my guestbook. For all those that wish to sign, remember one thing for me, there are students looking at my homepage, so if there is a private message, please make it private.

My Loves


1. My Newest Grandson, Me and Niki
2. Older And Wiser Me
3. Me
4. Niki (My Daughter)
5. More of Niki
7. Eddie (My Son)
8. Mom and Katrinia
9. Phedra (Daughter)
10. Paula and I and more
12. Niki's Sister's Sister
14. Niki's Spring Pictures
15. Ric And Stella (My brother and his wife)
16. Alonzo Lamont Tyrese ( My Godson)
17. More of me
18. Phedra and Niki Together
19. Eddie (My Son)
20. My Brothers and I a Long Time Ago
21. Mom's Flowers
22. It's All About Me
23. Butterflies
25. Tirese, Reva and Reba
26. Touch the Sylk
