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*~*~ The Backstreet Cafe~*~*

Crazed Fans

These are some of the things hard core BSB fans have pulled in an effort to get closer to the boys and they are ALL true!

  1. Some girls climbed a barbed wire fence to get to the BSB's backstage area (imagine meeting the guys with shredded jeans and scratch wonderful)
  2. Another girl grabbed Howie by his backpack causing him to fall face first into granite and he still has scars on his arm to prove it
  3. A girl sent AJ her parents wedding rings (I bet she's grounded till she's 90!)
  4. Fans mobbing BSB blocked the BSB van's view when it came to pick the boys up so it ran over AJ's foot!
  5. When the boys first hit it off in 1995 in Europe, Howie's family forgot to change their phone number to an unlisted number so the Dorough's phone was ringing of the hook at 4:00AM!!
  6. Some fans camped out in front of Nick's house and uprooted and stole some plants from his house causing the Carter family to put up a fence around their property!
  7. At BSB concerts fans throw Mac-n-cheese boxes at Brian on stage (Kraft has Brian to thank for the recent popularity of their otherwise inedible macaroni! Maybe he'll replace that cheesy orange dinosaur and be their new spokesperson!)
  8. During an MTV appearance a fan threw a beanie baby at Brian and it missed his head by an inch
  9. During another MTV (TRL) appearance a fan got sick of waiting in the cold so she snuck around to where the BSB van was parked and told the attendant that "I don't even care who the Backstreet Boys are! It's freezing cold please, please let me sit in the van!" they let her in and she got to go thru all their stuff (pix, hats, and all!) Sadly she didn't get to meet BSB.
  10. A fan took a picture of Nick's house, blew it up, and held it up for Nick to see at a concert!
  11. Fans attacked Brian once and ripped his clothes to shreds and Brian recalls this as his most terrifying moment (not counting his heart surgery) and says "I felt like Cinderella!"

Re-order from the menu / I had enough to chew on!
E-mail me if you know any crazy fan stories you'd like to share.