Children of the Millenia

By now, you are probably a little puzzled and curious. "What exactly are The Children of the Millennia?" you may very well ask. To answer you, we have to explain a few things:

The name ‘Children of the Millennia’ is something Łuna snatched from the Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice. It is a term used for the oldest, and wisest, vampires. The ones that have survived millennia. That should give you some clue as to the prestige that goes with being called a ‘Child of the Millennia’.
First, and foremost, The Children of the Millennia is a group of people who have at least a little bit of interest in Savage Garden. But what separates us from the other fans who merely bought the record, watch the videos, etc, is that we go one step further. We change the relationship between rock star and fan by giving something back. Changing it from a mere one-sided relationship; the musicians outpour music, the fans just soak it up.
We instead respond by creating our own little wonders, may they be stories, poetry, drawings or anything else. The form itself is not important, the content is. These jewels are posted on this site, which was created for exactly that purpose.
How do you become one of us? It is very simple. You merely have to send us your lovely creation, we will read it over , if we approve of it and post it, you now belong to us! Don’t worry about being approved, so far we have not rejected any of the creations submitted to us. We just ask that they are not particularly offensive, smutty, etc. Feel free to send us as many things as you like, the more the merrier!
What do you get for becoming a Child of the Millennia? Firstly, you will be added to our members page, your story will be posted as pretty as we can make it and you get have one of these lovely awards for your site! All this because you took a little time to send us something. We like to keep our Children happy.

*Want to send us something?*

Stories, Drawings, etc: Luna             Poetry, Member Info, etc: Spencer (our temp)

Here are different versions of the award. Once you join us, email us and tell us which version you would like. We will send you the proper codes for you to put on your site. Please don’t steal these awards if you haven’t earned them.

Members Page
Stories written by Us
Other Creations by Us
Main Page