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Last Updated: 10/25

Hi. Welcome to my page. Enjoy your stay. I hope that you will take time to visit all the parts of my web page. Below are all the banners for each part of my page. Click on the one that you want to go see.

Ok, school's out. I will be doing a total redo of this page as soon as possible. If there is anything that you think would make this page better, please email me. I am open to suggestions.

****Note: I want a new background for this page. I had an idea, but I couldn't make it. Does any one have any ideas or knows of how I can make it on my own. Email me. Thanks.

Updated: 8/6

Updated: 10/25

Updated: 8/5

Updated: 10/25
There are some new answers to Poll #3.

Updated: 8/6

Updated: 10/25

Updated: 8/13

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