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Medieval Gothic Art


Around 1135 a man named Abbot Suger decided to fix up the old Abby Church of Saint Denis. One team started from the east side and one from the west side. Due to the vast wealth and influence of the church at this time no expense was spared so it was all state of the art. The builders employed each added their own little bit and so the first Gothic Church was completed. Gothic art then was just his form of symbolisim and architecture combined. The Gothic style began with architecture during the peak of the middle ages when people were leaving the "Dark Ages" behind and begining a new more prosperous era. Also they built magnificent Gothic Cathedrals, such as those in Northen France.


To fully understand sculptures of this time you need to know about the medieval person's belief in god. The cathedral was a manifestation of their faith; everybody in the community contributed something. Those people with no gold to give would quarry stones. To them the cathedral was to be the most beautiful structure around and no task was considered too great for God's glory. The cathedral was also to be "read" by the people, and as most of the population was illiterate, stories where told using pictures. The sculptures built into the pillars clearly do this, with stories ranging from The Garden of Eden to haunting images of eternal damnation. A popular form of gothic sculpture was Gargoyles which where incorprated into architecture. When Gothic Cathedrals were built their roofs where covered with ugly, threatening sculptures. This belief came from ancient times when it was thought they would keep evil influences away.


The gothic painting lasted for 200 years. Starting in Italy it spread to the rest of Europe. The most noticable feature in this period is the increase in naturalism. This quality first appeared in the work of Italian artists of the late 13th century and didn't dominate in Europe until the 15th centurys end. At this time some artists in the north resisted the influence of the Renaissance and kept with the gothic style. Because of this the gothic timeline overlaps the Italian and northen Renaissance timelines.
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