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~ A N G E L L E ~

Considering that now I am in a new environment, I figured I better rewrite my year old self description.  But as always, you can still read what I wrote back then at my *thoughts* page.  I write a little something different every time I write my info, so it's not like you'll be reading the same stuff.  You'll probably learn more about me if you read all four infos.  But then I'd consider you either a very good friend that you want to read all that on me, or just very bored.

So where shall I start?  All right.  My name is Karissa Yin-Han Chen,, and I go to Barnard College of Columbia University(whee, I had to stick that in there!).  I have no idea what I want to major in as of yet, so don't even ask me.  I was born in New Jersey and lived there my whole life, until I moved to Hong Kong for my junior year in high school.  That was just about the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me, but I can say that I do not regret it now.  Moving to Hong Kong has opened my eyes to so many things that I othrewise never would have known.  It was definitely a worthwhile experience.  Besides the fact that, I completely miss things in Hong Kong like Causeway Bay and zhun zhu nai cha!

Okay something about me... hmmm... well first off, I'm going to say, that I am a writer.  I love to write, it's my therapy.  I think I started writing fiction when I was in kindergarten, with stories like, "The boy ran away because his dog was hiding" and stupid things like that.  And stories filled with unicorns, dragons, and pink and blue pandas.  Somewhere along the way, I picked up poetry.  I have lame verses everywhere.  In 9th grade, I tried my hand at free verse poetry, and that didn't work out too well.  Rhyme gives me the structure I need to let my thoughts come out.  So I have a whole journal filled with poetry.  My muse comes to me best when I'm in a sad, turbulent mood, so most of my poetry is depressing, and half of it doesn't even make sense, but they are essences of who I am.  The same goes for the prose I write.  Sometimes when I feel like I can't be bothered to sit and make my thoughts artistic, I just sit down in front of my computer and write.  Whatever pours out of my head and heart onto my computer screen, and then I post it.  They are usually ramblings of an insane mind, but I put them up anyways.  Simply because... I often find that I discover myself best when I'm in the process of writing something.  Many times, I fugure myself out in the end of writing, that I didn't know in the beginning.  Both my poetry and my writings are up on this site.  Some of them are very personal, but I trust that if you are bored enough to read through them, you will take them in with all sincerity.

What else?  I am a singer.  I love singing, I will bother you forever if a song is stuck in my head and I want to sing it.  I wouldn't consider myself a *fantastic* singer, but I love singing, and you can't make me stop.  I think one of my pet peeves is when I lose my voice so I can't sing anymore.  And even then, I'll attempt to croak.  Singing is like my release, there is some kind of simple pleasure in the song.  Music is one of the best discoveries in history.  I don't know what I would do without it.  Similarly, lyrics are very very important to me, and I am always impressed by a song that sounds good and has amazing lyrics as well.  One of my favorite songs is "Nobody Knows" by Tony Rich Project, and that's because it sounds sooooo nice, and it has lyrics that are poetic and sincere... not to mention that for awhile, it was my theme song.

Umm... I love children.  Especially small children,  They are cute, smart, energetic, and full of this passion for exploring life that I wish I still had.  It's easy to get caught up in their innocence sometimes, and jsut become them.  I am always so amazed at how children can derive such simple pleasures from the smallest things.  Maybe I wish I were a kid again, I don't know.  But I love working with children, making them smile, because they are the so innocent, and they have every right to be happy, they deserve what the whole world has to offer, and they deserve all the love in the world.  Do I sound trite?  Maybe.  But I honestly believe it.  I've done service with children so often, and I don't think I could ever get tired of it.  One day, I'm going to have children of my own, probably around three, and that's gonna make me so happy.  :)

Another thing about me is that I'm a very emotional, sensitive person.  You wouldn't think of it at first, probably.  I have been told that I'm bubbly and energetic, and I'm definitely a hyper one.  Effervascent is the word I'd like to describe myself with.  :)  On the other hand, I've also been told that as a first impression, I can come off stuck-up or snobby... which I really don't mean to be!!!  I'm really a friendly person.  But sometimes I get into these *moods* and I get quiet and reserved.  I can be shy at times.  And I draw into myself a lot when I'm like that.  I don't know.  I'm a gemini, so I suppose having a duality is almost prescribed.  There is this outer persona I hold that is friendly, extroverted, hyper, immature, and almost shallow... and it's the one I use to meet people and make friends.  At the same time, once you get to know me, I'm actually a really emotional person, someone who takes things to heart a lot, and I actually ponder things too deeply and often.  But that's a side of me that few people get to see of me, maybe because few people actually get to know me well enough... :)

My perfect man?  Someone who is sensitive and sweet, yet funny and outgoing.  Like me, he should be dual, so that when I'm in my immature mood, he can be immature with me, and when I'm in my deep mood, he can ponder the mysteries of life with me.  He should be someone I can talk to for hours, someone who is intelligent and can challenge me.  He should be someone who can also comfort me and know when he should be sensitive and when he should try to make me laugh.  A neat dresser and a nice smell can't hurt either.  Have I mentioned that somehow, I find the sexiest thing in a guy, his smell?  I just realized that how a guy smells actually means a lot to me.  Weird huh?  Does he have to be drop dead gorgeous?  Haha, of course not.  Someone who presents himself well, holds himself well, someone who will be there for me, and stand by my side.  And who won't think he's better than me, and that I *belong* to him, and will let me stand on my own when I need to.  Yes, and the smell IS really important too... hahaha...

Ooh I love eating, I really do, and I have to stop, cuz I'm also a friggin lazy ass.  I don't do any exercise at all(okay, looking for someone who will MAKE me go to the gym!)!  I will eat when I am bored, when I'm depressed, when I'm studying, WHATEVER!  And I like the junkiest food too.  But my favorite food is italian and japanese.  So if you ever feel like treating me to dinner.... hehehe... =)

So you wanna know what's up with all these angels?  Hmm... well, I don't know.  I like angels.  I like the idea of them.  I like having people I can count on, and little angels on your shoulders.  I'm a lonely person, and it's nice to think there are angels.  Do I believe in them?  I don't know if I believe in them in the truest sense of the word, like the ones with wings that are invisble and everything.  But I believe that there is an angel in each one of my good friends, cuz they are constantly watching out for me and taking care of me.  And that's all that matters.

Okay, okay.  So you're getting tired of reading my dumb prose on myself?  I'm going to link you to one of those dumb profiles that anyone who is on my mailing list knows I love doing.  Hahaha... but this one will be pretty basic I think.  Just a list of my faves, and other things like that.  Just in case you're interested.  If not... okay, that's okay.  :)

Karissa's Profile