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.:Movie Night!:.

"Bad news guys!" I replied, "I can't go with you because the moving trucks have just come and they're unloading our furniture and my mom wants me over there to help them."

"That's OK. Can you come over later tonight and watch it?" Tay asked still trying to unhook the 64.

"Um... Maybe. If we get everything situated." I said sadly. Then Zac cut in and said,

"Why can't we go over at your house and watch it? You can hook the tv and vcr up in your room and then you can watch the movie and still fix your room at the same time!"

"Ya! That could work!" I said excitedly.

"Ok then. Kelli we can drop you off at your house on the way there and then we can go rent a movie and then come back." Tay said as he got up.

"Okie Dokie!" I said as I put on my shoes. After Tay and Zac put on their Docs we rushed out the door and hopped into Ike's new car and went on our way.

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