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.:What's The Deal?:.

That night I fell asleep real fast, but Nikki spent most of her time talking to Zac on the internet. Finally at about 1:00am the lights went out. Then, the TV came on. I heard music and thought she's probably watching MTV.

"Nikki?" I asked wide awake.

"Yeah?" She answered surprised.

"Aren't you sleepy at all?"

"Well, sorta, but I'm gonna watch TV 'til I fall asleep. Is that ok?" She asked looking at me.

"Sure. So, what did you and Zac talk about?" I asked.

"I talked to Zac for like 5 minutes then talked to Tay for a little while. I would have talked to Isaac, but he was asleep. Zac said he wanted to talk to you, but I told him you were asleep."

"Oh, cool." I said as I hunted for my teddy bear, "Where did that stupid thing go?"

"What?" Nikki asked.

"Taybear." I said.

"Taybear? The teddybear?" She asked.

"Yeah. Wait! I mean uh... Zackiepoohbear." I said as a grin fell onto my face.

"Ya. You have to rename your bear now that you started going out with Zac. How does it feel?" She asked flipping through the channels.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Do you feel the same or different?"

"I dunno. I just started going out with him today! I only got to talk to him for a few minutes. I mean like, I don't know him that well. I've only been here for a couple of days."

"What did his parents say when he told them he had a girlfriend?" She asked.

"To tell ya the truth, I don't know if he has told anyone."

"What is he gonna tell the press?" She asked.

"Beets me! That's his job! Not mine!" I said with a laugh. Then I got out of bed and walked over to my laptop computer.

"What are you doing?" Nikki asked.

"Going to see if Zac is online."

"OH." Nikki responded. To my surprise Zac was still online. I chatted with him for a couple of hours. Then I talked to Tay. Ike was still asleep. 2 bathroom breaks later I told Zac I had to go to sleep. Now, I was really sleepy. He told me good night and sweet dreams, then he said he loved me. I wished him good night too. We disconnected off the internet and I fell asleep with Zackiepoohbear in my arms. I began to dream about Zac.

- At the Hanson's house -

"Love?" Tay asked Zac.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that I have a girlfriend now?" Zac asked.

"UM... Yeah! I believe so!" Tay said in a high pitched voice.

"Gosh Tay! You don't have to get mad!" Zac said.

"What are you going to do when we go on tour in about 2 months? Just leave her behind?"

"NO! Look Tay, chill! I could have expected this from Ike, but not you!" He squealed.

"Well, I just don't wanna see Kelli or you get hurt!"

"We won't BE hurt if you'll just leave us alone! This is my love life and I'll do things the way I want them!" Zac yelled. He climbed in bed and fell asleep fast. Tay left the room to get a glass of water.

"Gosh! What is he THINKING?" He said to himself, "He can't have a girlfriend! He's only 13 and I'm 16 and don't have one! This isn't right! He doesn't know ANYTHING about her! Oh well, I'll just let him deal with it!" Tay got his water, then climbed in his bed, then fell fast asleep.

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