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Mud Squirmin' Cavin' Page:

The caving page of Lee Florea


(4-30-99) I-66 draft map is now available from this page (jpeg). Click here

I am currently compiling information about caves in Pulaski County and Wayne County Kentucly. If anyone has information about maps, locations, historical information, or other sources of information about these karst regions, I would greatly appriciate it if you could e-mail me or contact me by letter or phone.

I am also beginning an initiative to work toward the proper location of I-66 through Pulaski and Laurel County, Kentucky. This project is in the planning phases, but we must act if we are to help. The karst in Pulaski County is extensive and it will be difficult to design an interstate such that the environmental impact on this karst is minimized

Lee Florea, NSS 37909

Articles contained on this page

To add an article, merely submit the text via e-mail to me. Articles should be relatively short <10K concerning specific karst features, aquifers, conservation issues, or studies.



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