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Everyone say's that this stuff doesn't describe me and that I need to put more real personal on here, like fears, goals, and stuff like that for you...

Picture of me.

Picture of me (right) and my mom (left).

Name: Lesa Marie ( I was born on Elvis's anniversary)
My Nickname: Lee Lee; Totally Clueless
Age: 19
B-day: May 1, 1979
Where I Live: Canada, Kentucky
My Parents Names: Joe Dale & Wanda
Siblings: Sister-Anna Jo, 24
Height: 5'4"
Weight: I don't think so...
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Favorite Color: Green and Yellow (it's too hard to choose one)
Favorite Food: Pizza
Pets: Fish (Monster) Cat ( Tigger) 2 Dogs ( Speck & CK)
Hobbies: Reading; Writing poems; Sports; Surfing the net...

Favorite Movies: Clueless; Titantic; Can't Buy Me Love
Favorite Song: 2 Many 2 Name-- Right now, by 2 favorites are: Too Close By: Next and Anytime By: Brian McKnight

Favorite Book: The Vision, by Dean Koontz & The Promise, by Danielle Steel

Things I Collect: Moons (Anything with moons on it)



Worst fear: Knowing that I am gonna die in a car accident. Yeah, I called a psyshic, and I really am... That scares me sometimes and I often ask myself if this is the day?

Where my life is now?-- Right now, I am not working... I go to college in West Virginia, but I am out for the summer... I am gonna get a job and then I start back school in the fall. Oh, I am majoring in Office Information Technology... (a medical secretary.

Greatest Achievement-- Graduation from high school-- NOT! I dunno, lots of things... Like Finance and Banking, Drug Awareness Program, gosh I dunno.

Some Other Stuff
**In my past life, I was I was a poor little turtle, sitting on the side of the road waiting to cross... Everytime I attempted, something came along, and about made me road kill... This 2-lane road looked as big as a four-lane now... I was scared, but did not expect to die... I was proud and decided to walk and not even look. As I approached the end of the 2-lane road, I held my head high. I But, before I made it, out of no where came the car... It hit so quick, I didn't see it coming... Needless to say that on the that day, I didn't see my life ending... --{Now what this means to me is-- In life, you never know what is going to happen next. Things happen so quick and there is no time to prepare for what's gonna happen. Like me, 2 months ago, I thought that I was the happiest person in the world. I was dating my boyfriend Allen, whom I had dated for 3 years. Well, anyhow... One day, he got me a ring, and the next he left me... I don't understand everything, and I would love to talk to Allen... I want to, but I can't becuz I have more self pride than that. But, Al, when you visit, just know I say Hi! But, to everyone, BE PREPARED for anything! It's a long road... But, In the end, you'll be just as happy as I am now... Becuz, this is the real world and LIFE DOES GO ON

**The funniest thing that ever happened to me was-- My four-wheeler wreck... If ya wanna know, just ask me...

**OH I ALMOST FORGOT!-- I am getting my new car in 3 weeks everyone. A 98' Mitsubishi Mirage.

**You can reach me on ICQ, my number is 9694663...I am Totally Clueless.

**I also use Freetel, I am Lesa 19/f on there ...

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