Catherine's Fanfiction

These are the stories I've written so well as some by other people. 

Oh and I'm just going to mention the boring stuff here since it needs to be somewhere. *Ahem* I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I'm doing this for the pure joy of writing, and besides I'm a college student; suing me would be totally useless.

Random Thoughts

These are just little stories about what's going on in character's heads.

My fanfic project 

Some fic writers have great ambitions and plans for their writing. This is mine! It's my baby. Take a look and tell me what you think. 

My other fanfics 

These fics are about friendship between our heroes, some are romance fics, and others are history fics.

Other people's fanfiction New

These are fics by other people that I asked to host or were sent to me. Look at them they're good!
(Help! Someone sent me two really good fics; one about Duo and the other about Sailor Deathscythe. My computer deleted them as well as the e-mail address; if the person is reading this could you please resend them! Also the person who sent me the Relena Worshipper fic! Shin! I lost your e-mail address!!!)

Fics by Susan Lara New

She's sent me so many lovely fics and they're so good! So I decided to give them their own section. ^_^

Original Stories

These are my original stories, poems, and essays as well as fanfictions from other series.

Submissions? Comments? Anything? E-mail: Catherine Bloom

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