So, now I present to you, for your enjoyment ladies and gentleman, Britney Spears singing "From the Bottom of My Broken Heart".

From the Bottom of My Broken Heart

**Relena is at a train station. Holding her bag, she glances at the watch she's wearing and looks around in the crowd. Relena sighs and thinks that he's not coming to say goodbye...**

"Never look back," we said

How was I to know, I'd miss you so

**Pulling out a picture from her pocket, it's of Heero with his arm around Relena. For once in his life, he's smiling. Relena smiles and remembers the day that Heero asked her out.**

Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind

Where do I go?

**Closing her eyes, Relena remembers how Heero gave her little knick-knacks and gifts. Reaching into her pocket, she found the dove pin that Heero gave her on their three month's anniversary.**

And you didn't hear

All my joy through my tears

All my hopes through my fears

**Tears started welling up in Relena's eyes. She shut them tight and said to herself that this was the only way. Heero didn't care about here anymore.**

Did you know I'd miss you somehow?

**In order to stop her tears, Relena tried to remember the happy memories. In another memory, she and Heero went to the beach. Relena found it hilarious on how Heero claimed to be the king of the rock. Relena pushes him down into the water and he takes her with him. The two splashed around in the ocean, laughing.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know

**On another occasion, Relena is invited to a dance hosted by her advisors. Of course, she brings Heero as her date. Right in the middle of the dance, Heero decides that this is boring and he decides he's going to skip. Heero and Relena make their escape and they end up in an arcade where most of Relena's friends hang out. Here were Relena and Heero, dressed in a party dress and a suit, playing the video games and having a grand time, while Relena friends watched in a stunned silence ^^.**

You were my first love, you were my true love

>From the first kisses to the very last rose

**Relena's first kiss from Heero was a special occasion as well. It was a beautiful sunset in the Sank Kingdom, and Heero was sitting with Relena in the park watching it. Relena glances over to Heero, who then looks back into Relena's eyes. It was then that their heads moved closer and their lips met. Heero pulls back and looks at Relena, then he smiles. And this smile was genuine.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

Even though time may find me somebody new

**When a meteor shower came along, which was a once in a lifetime opportunity in the Sank Kingdom, Heero broke his appointment with Dr. J to go out and watch the shower with Relena. They both laid on the grass as they counted the stars that passed them by.**

You were my real love, I never knew love

'Til there was you

**Everytime the two would walk in the street, girls and guys would whisper about them, and Relena loved every moment.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

**Shutting her eyes even tighter, Relena pressed herself to remember some more good times. She didn't want to cry in public, not with everyone seeing her pain.**

"Baby," I said, "please stay"

Give our love a chance for one more day

**Then, a memory popped into her head. It was about the time when she, Hilde, Sally, Noin, Zechs, and all of the GW pilots went to a winter retreat. It was a blast and it was so funny watching Heero trying to ski ^^.**

We could have worked things out

Taking time is what love's all about

**Relena also recalled that once they had a double date with Hilde and Duo. They went to a scary movie and Relena became frightened. Heero took Relena home and stayed with here until she felt better.**

But you put a dart

Through my dreams, through my heart

And I'm back where I started again

**The swing in the park was one of Relena's favorite places. Heero would push Relena on it for hours, even though both were much too old for those kind of games.**

Never though it would end

**Sometimes the two would just stay up all night and talk to each other. That was also something Relena was going to miss.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know

**Relena smiled as she recalled all of Heero's unfavorite things, like seafood. She played a joke once by him one time and presented him with an all you can eat pass to a fancy restaurant. When the two went to dinner, Heero then realized that the coupon was for a seafood restaurant! Relena laughed at the face he made to her on their way out. Heero ended up giving the ticket to Duo and Hilde. Relena's turn came when she thought an important diplomat was coming. It turned out to be Heero is a bad beard and moustache getup, but they both had a good laugh about it.**

You were my first love, you were my true love

>From the first kisses to the very last rose

**Ah, all of those happy memories helped. But Relena knew with all of those good memories came the bad, and now one bad memory lingered before her. The fight she had with Heero!**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

Even though time may find me somebody new

**Relena's eyes grew cold. She remembered the night of the fight all too well. Heero wanted to fight with his Gundam to attain what he felt was peace, but Relena wanted him to become a peaceful person, just like she was. Heero refused and started to bring up things about her and Rick. Rick? She never loved Rick, only Heero. To retaliate, Relena brought up ancient history about him and his obsession with his Gundam. She claimed that he loved it more than her. The last thing she said to him before walking out was, "You can never make a commitment Heero Yuy!"**

You were my real love, I never knew love

'Til there was you

**After all of that was said, Relena rushed over to Hilde's home. All she could remember was collapsing on Hilde's lap and crying her eyes out. Hilde listened intently at Relena's story and comforted her. Hilde was very supportive and suggested a lot of things for Relena to do, even introducing her to other guys, but none of them worked. Relena's mind raced with questions. Maybe I asked too much of him, she thought, or maybe he's just stubborn, or maybe, it was not meant to be.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

**Relena couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They start to ooze out from here eyes. The picture she holds now has tear stains all over it. Relena tried to contact Heero after the argument, but he never answered her calls. She guessed that was his way of saying that they had to move on.**

You promised yourself, but to somebody else

And you made it so perfectly clear

Still I wish you were here

**Heero opens a case containing a ring for Relena. Closing his eyes, he wishes that the argument they had never happend, and he would gladly take back ever word if Relena would just come back to him. Damn, why did he have to be so stubborn?!

'Yes Relena, I can make a commitment!' he thought, 'just give me another chance!'

Quatre looks up from his newspaper. He's worried about Heero. Heero hasn't eaten or slept ever since the argument. Quatre looks at the other boys and looks of concern also passes on their faces.***

>From the bottom of my broken heart

There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know

**Duo points to the clock hanging on the wall. Taking his hint, Heero stands up and is willing to catch Relena at the station. Grabbing two helmets, Trowa throws one to Heero and motions towards his bike. Heero stuffs the ring into his pocket, grabs a bouquet of white roses, and jumps onto the back of the bike. As the two speed off, Quatre, Duo, and Wufei look as the bike sets off towards it's destination.**

You were my first love, you were my true love

>From the first kisses to the very last rose

**Trowa speeds on his bike towards the train staion. Heero hopes that both of them can get there before Relena's train leaves. At the train staion, the conductor calls for people to board. Relena stands with her bag and is prepared to leave this horrible place.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

Even though time may find me somebody new

**Heero reaches the train station on Trowa's bike as the conductor makes the final call for stray passengers. Heero dashes off with his present as Trowa looks and wishes his friend the best of luck.**

You were my real love, I never knew love

'Til there was you

**Relena stands on the step of the train, takes one last look around, sighs, and boards the train. Meanwhile, Heero is pushing his way through the crowd, trying to get to Relena, who might be making the biggest mistake of her life.**

>From the bottom of my broken heart

**Relena sits in the train's cabin, and Heero is trying to catch up to the only girl that he ever loved. But it's too late, the train takes off, leaving Heero with his bouquet of white roses and his wedding band. He hangs his head low as a tear discreetly rolls down his cheek.**

"Never look back," we said

How was I to know I'd miss you so?

**Heero drops the flowers and pockets the ring as the train pulls out of sight. He walks slowly out of the train station.**


Oh how sad. :*( Oh well, after "relentless Relena" cools off, she's probably going to start her old habits again *winks*. Questions? Comments?

End of the world warning letters? Write to me.