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The Intimidator Lives In Our Hearts...Forever


On February 18, 2001, NASCAR lost it's greatest champion but more importantly the world lost a great person. Ralph Dale Earnhardt lost his life on the final lap of the 2001 Daytona 500. Condolences go out to the Earnhardt family, friends, and fans.

"You move on...You hurt like hell, then you move on."
Dale Earnhardt after the death of close friend Neil Bonnett


Stevie Waltrip posted a scripture in Dale's car before each race, on 02/18/01, the scripture read:
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it and is safe." Proverbs 18:10

disflag candle

Dale you are gone from this earth,
Gone to a place of rebirth.
An angel swooped down and took you that day,
So we could remember you in a special way.
Oh, how great the pain as we grieve,
As no one wanted you to leave.
I cannot express the depth of my loss,
Because you never even knew me at all.
But you touched my world in a special way,
And I promise to continue to share it everyday.
Now we must go on each day without you,
Which is something none of us wants to do.
But we have something that will always be,
Precious, precious memories of the famed #3.


Dale was a man with an intimidating face,
What he loved was to be with his family and to race.
He died in Daytona doing what he did the best,
He always finished above the rest.
Seven NASCAR Championships and seventy-six wins under his belt,
When the news spread, sadness is what everyone felt.
But he had his place in the spotlight and time to shine,
Now lets have a moment of silence,
And bow our heads for the greatest racer of all-time.


I’ll never forget that fateful day,
The day my hero was taken away.
I never personally knew this man,
I am just his biggest fan.
No one can ever know what he meant to me,
For whom there is nothing I wouldn’t give to see.
A man who left more than just one memory,
The driver of the black #3.
He was in our homes every Sunday,
In his own special way.
Words can’t explain how we all felt,
When this tremendous blow was dealt.
After being confirmed of our fears,
Millions eyes filled with tears.
A man so loved by fans, friends, and family,
The driver of the black #3.

Daytona International Speedway

Lowe's Motor Speedway

Sears Point Raceway

Las Vegas Motor Speedeway

Dale Earnhardt Eulogy
Dale Earnhardt Pictures
My Thoughts on the Dale Earnhardt Issues
Reactions to Dale Earnhardt's Death
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