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There are many different kinds of pets.  Some people have dogs, others cats.  Some people have rabbits, goldfish, snakes or tarantulas.   It doesn't really matter what our pet is as long as we love it and care for it properly.

Sometimes we come in contact with other people's pets.  This can be very dangerous if we don't exercise some precaution.  For instance, when you see a dog without its owner, you should not touch it or try to pet it.  It could have rabies and if it bit you you would then contract rabies also.  Then the dog would have to be put to sleep and you would have to have rabies shots.  This would not be fun.  So try to avoid stray dogs and even stray cats as they can also carry rabies.

Even if a dog or cat does not have rabies, it might be aggressive and attack you if you approach it.  When you think about it from the animal's point of view, it is probably frightened and confused because it is out of familiar territory.  I think I would be frightened under the same circumstances.  It is in an animal's nature to become aggressive when in a stressful situation.  Even some people become aggressive under stress, so it is not out of the question for animals to behave in a similar manner.

So always remember to love and care for your own pets and to love and admire others' pets too.  But if you see an unaccompanied pet, please be very careful.

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