Brian Heaven
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Welcome to Brian Heaven! Enjoy your stay and Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!

This page was last updated on October 27, 2000
*-Hey! I'm back! Sorry it's been so long. In case any of you would like to do my family member (I prefer not to say who) has made a complete recovery. I thank everyone for their well wishes and patience with me. :) -*

Now that I'm back there's tons of stuff to be revamped. Many things haven't been updated since before my last update. I'll try to get things organized as soon as possible, so frequent visitors won't tire of reading the same content over and over and over. Of course, just about everything's in need of a touch up, but I want to know what YOU want to see most. So tell me by e-mail me at

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Kiwibox is a really cool website. They have tons of contets where you can win things like BSB concert tickets and backstage passes! You can win these things through contests or by saving up KiwiPoints, which are points you can earn just by signing up and logging in daily. Kiwibox give you some KiwiPoints just for signing up. If you list LuvinBRok as the person who referred you, you'll get an additional 100 points! So just go to, sign up and don't forget to list LuvinBRok as the person who referred you!

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I, Melissa, strongly support the Respect Their Girlfriends Challenge.

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Disclaimer: I am not Brian or any other of the Backstreet Boys. I do not know them in a way, so please don't send me love letters, because I have no way of passing them on to Brian.
©Brian Heaven 1999