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*~Friends are everything to me~*

Grateful Like a needle in a haystack, ture friends are hard to find. Thats why I'm so thankful, that I can call you mine Whenever I need a shoulder you're there to catch my tear. You've kept my many secrets, throughout the passing years. You've been there through my triumphs, you've witnessed my defeats I'll remember the good times and pray the bad ones don't repeat. With you my heart is honest, but there's only one thing I never told you Thank you for everything.

Jordon, you are a great friend, and have always been since kindergarden. You listen and help nad you are just an all around nice, cute, sweet guy!
Ashlea, I hated you when you first moved her, I did run you off=) but now things are cool. We have had some CRAZY times... honk honk*.... we will have tons more I"m sure!!!!
Ashley Rahn, She is so quite and sweet I could just squeeze here=) She has been a great friend through the years, I am glad she has been able to put up with me all these years.
Alexis, She is so funny I could just die! She is really sweet and so cute!
Cam- Cam and I have known each other since we could barley walk... and we have always been GREAT friends... Sometimes I think cam thinks i'm weird... but.. I am so I guess that is okay.
Krista, She has been a really great friend... I didn't like her when she first came but we ended up being the BEST of freinds, even though she lives in Florida!
Erica- One of the funniest people I know .. she knows how to make me laugh! "Come on Truck" =)
Guier, hello Guier, well after hitting Kelly in the face with that snow ball... I think we have become close friends.... never forget leaving me hanging in that tree=)
Holly, my sweet little friend Holly... what can I say except, well... I don't know what I can say! Well... talk to you later!
Lance, he is one of the sweetest guys I know. He is smart, cute, and really caring... he is a great friend and I hope we ALWAYS keep in touch.
Trey, I don't really know what I can say about you. We have always been really close, but this year we have kind of drifted apart. I love you and always will. You are a great friend and know more than I know about myself.=)
Josh, my sweet internet friend... you are such a hottie... you have been a great friend... ever since Centrifuge... that was one GREAT week=)
Keith~ I havn't been able to talk to you in forever!@!! BUT I wish you luck... with whoever... and you are a great guy!!!! STAY THAT WAY!=)
Josh P. hello hello... you are one mean guy! But I still love you to death i guess!!!! well! tlak to you later!!!
Ashley Hyatt, Ever since the little b-day parties and sleep overs you have Always been my best friend... I hope it stays that way because I LOVE you very much.
Jess... what can I say about Jess p. You are so funny and pretty! I can't wait until Prom this year! It will be a blast! We will have to go prom dress shopping!=) You have been a super friend through it all!
Steph... What would I do with out you in English, making fun of mr lowery and the way he chews his gum... You are too sweet and cute!
Matthew~ you are a really great friend.... You are sweet and good luck with Kayla!!!!=)
TImmy~ well... I have nothing to hide from you... you konw EVERYthing about me.... and I know you better not tell because I know things about you too!=)
Hannah- hello blondie... what can I say about you... except you are the most dingy girl I have ever saw! I still love you bunches! You are too funny!
Misty- You are so quite and pretty! You are too sweet and we had alot of fun in Band last year! Can't wait till FLORIDA!!!!
Kevin, What a sweet heart! I had a blast in Algebra... even though I slept all the time=)
Brian- You are such a sweetie... you know tons of things I would never tell anyone... I trust you wont tell ANYONE!=)
Brandon~ You are really funny!!!! I love you bunches!!! Hope to see you soon@!@@@!!!
Carrie- I had a great time at my house that one time!!!! You are really sweet! can't wait till FLORIDA!!!
Andrea, i just met you recently and already I have found that you are SUCH a sweet heart! I wish I could stay longer in WEst V. But I miss all of the above too much! Good luck with Ben=)
AMY~ My besteset purse stealer.... how could you steal my purse?=) You are sooo sweet!!! I mean WHAT am I talking about you are sooo... WEIRD!!!=) j/k
Kelly~ Hi! you are sooo funny! I love you hair it is soo neato! I had fun playing pool that one night! Well... BYE
Ben~ what can I say about you.... except, you move too much, your quite, You seem sweet, and you are a real cutie! Be nice to Andrea or I'll have to whip up on you!=)
Alicia, You have been such a mean person to me! But I guess I'll let that slide since you are Katies friend.=) I lOVE the PIG TAILS!!!!!!=) ThUG GirL=)or pebbles=)
Katie~ hEllo jelly ROLL!, you little Dancing maniac you! I had fun while it lasted!!! I'll be bakc this summer! We will go scout for hotties!!!=)
Amanda Greene- you have a Cute bro! And you are soo sweet! Had fun in Band... even though you changed the telephone things!!! I know it was you! DON't Lie!!!!!
Amanda S. Hey... you wear the cutest clothes!!! I had fun during band@!!!! You are a really sweet chic!
Kris! I will miss you SOOOOO much! You have been such a great friend, you are so pretty and sweet! I will miss you bunches! Good luck with Jeff
Joanna- I think you spell it like that... Thanks for taking me under your wing... HAd fun while it lasted@!!!! never forget the GREAT times we had!!!
Jeff... what can I say about you? You are ... hmm... well..... umm...... I do'nt know what you are .... so lets leave it at that!=)
Who have I forgotten??????? oh my gosh!!!! JOE!!!! how could I forget my favorite WOMEN>>>>???? I had alot of fun in Band with you! Well BYE!!!!=(
Their is TONS more!!!!! I More to come I ran out of timne... I'll finish it tom!!! =) BYE~
Dreams CLose your eyes, and hold on tight, well ride through the day, and into the night, Watch out for the shadows they claw and bite. Dance in the darkness, Shout with all you might, cause nobody will hear you, when you are dreaming at night. Look out for the rising sun, whose rays are hot and bright. Hide from the light. Dreams are forever, their promises all right. Cause nobody knows you, and nobody cares, when you're dreaming in the night.
Dying inside What am I doing? Why do I feel this way? My head is here, but my heart is away. My chest is tight, I feel afright. I don't know why I'm holding you so tight, we broke up 2 years ago, but still I'm holding on. Your face is so perfect tour smart and so sweet, maybe thats why I'm in to deep. Tossing and turning I keep holdong on. Hoping that one time you'll come back and hold on. I think about you everynight and day, and sometimes I scream just to part from your ways. I miss you so much your heart is with me. I wish you were holding me instead of her. But me it should be.
