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Tying Shoes For Skateboarding

Well this is a pretty interesting new way to tie your shoes though there is a slight disadvantage, your laces have to be near a certain size, that size, you don't know till you find out.

First off, just tie up your shoes normally until you get to the last hole you want to thread. With that hole thread it from the outside. Now after you have done the 1st step try to make your knot. To do that you need to pull the lace toward the toe of your shoe then overtop of the last lace going across then back down and your shoe.

Once you have the knot setup just tighten it and try to hid the end of your lace somewhere if you can. Though if you can't don't worry, just try to make the ending very small and it shouldn't bug you much if at all. Repeat on all 3 other lace ends and then fix up your shoe a bit and it should be tied perfectly without using any bows.