A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Six: The Flight

After a teary reunion with her mom, Buffy quickly packed a few more things from her room while Giles distracted Joyce. After another long and teary hug, Buffy stepped back, kissed her mom’s cheek one last time and stepped onto the porch. Joyce looked at her in confusion.


Buffy just shook her head, tears rolling down her face.

“Love you mom…”

Giles sighed sadly and aimed his carefully concealed wand at Joyce.

“Finite Incantatum.”

Joyce shook her head as though coming out of a fog. She looked at the man and the young woman on her front porch.

“Can I help you?”

Buffy turned away, a sob catching in her throat. Giles looked to see her running out onto the street. Giles gave Joyce an apologetic look.

“Sorry. Must have the wrong house. My apologies.”

Joyce just nodded vaguely and headed back inside.

Giles sighed again and pointed his wand at the house. All of Buffy’s things were still there, and with Joyce not being able to remember the young girl at all, it was bound to become confusing if Joyce had a teenagers things in the house.


Giles closed his eyes, realising he’d just deleted a young woman’s entire life in a matter of seconds. Several years worth of mementos and trinkets had just been completely destroyed, replaced with old desks and lamps, paintings and general junk, all packed in moving boxes. A ‘For Sale’ sign appeared at the front of the house, and Giles had arranged for a moving van to move Joyce back to LA within the hour. Where she went from there would be anyone’s guess.

With a heaving sigh, Giles turned to go to his car, seeing Buffy already seated inside, huddled in her seat in a sobbing mess. He knew she needed to get through this on her own and left her to cry in silence as he drove away from the only home she’d ever known.


It was a long flight, spent mostly in silence. Buffy had curled in on herself, not speaking a word since she had told her mom that she loved her. Giles left Buffy to her silence, allowing her the privacy to deal with everything that had been handed to her.

He had to admit she was taking it all rather well, considering the amount of things she’d had to take in over the last few days. Giles couldn’t have been prouder.

He’d been apprehensive about taking the position as Buffy’s protector. He’d attended several meetings between the Council and the Ministry of Magick when they’d been trying to decide whom to replace Merrick with. When they’d decided on Giles, he’d been flabbergasted. He wouldn’t have been the first choice from the Ministry, but, he’d been up to a challenge.

He’d heard nothing about the young girl who he was supposed to be protecting, and when he’d first met her, she was nothing like what he’d expected her to be. When he’d heard that she was Voldemort’s daughter, he’d expected to find a violent, viscious, cold-blooded girl with nothing on her mind except the demise of all those around her.

What he’d found however, was a young girl with immense power. She’d been afraid of it certainly. But she hadn’t abused it. He’d been shocked when she’d so casually dismissed her calling. He’d wondered if it had been her father’s influence on her. So, when she’d plucked up her courage and decided to become the Slayer again, he’d been completely surprised.

He couldn’t believe that the bright, energetic and kind-hearted girl was the daughter of the most infamous wizard in the world. It had been…almost ironic.

He looked across at her and smiled as the girl stretched a little, coming out of a deep sleep. She yawned and her eyes fluttered open.

“How much longer?” she asked.

“Only another hour,” he replied.

She nodded and sat up in her seat, trying to get comfortable.

“Can I ask you some other stuff?” she asked.

“Of course.”

She yawned again and curled herself into a ball, leaning her back against the wall behind her.

“Who’s uh…Albert Dumblemore?” she asked, hesitant about the name.

“Albus Dumbledore,” he corrected gently. “He’s the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Quite possibly the most powerful wizard in the entire world. Mad as a hatter of course, but…in a good way.”

“Right. So…am I gonna start attending Hogwarts?”

“That is the plan,” he replied.

“But…I don’t know anything about magick,” she protested.

“Believe me when I say I know you’ll have a natural affinity for it,” Giles said. “That’s one of the reasons you took so well to being the Slayer. You catch onto things incredibly fast.”

She rolled her eyes. “I so don’t. What about my school grades?”

“You weren’t meant for muggle learning,” Giles replied. “You were meant to have been brought up in the magick world.”

She scowled, unhappy to be told that. “I was never meant to be brought up as a murderer’s daughter.”

He flinched at her harsh tones, but didn’t chastise her for talking to him that way.

“Anyway, there’s some time before the school term starts, so we should be able to teach you a lot of what you need to know before school goes back,” he said.

School didn’t begin again until September 1st, which meant there was still another month and a half before term began.

“We’ll need to get all your school supplies before we head to Hogwarts,” he informed her.

“You mean like pens and stuff?” she asked. “Cos I brought a lot of my school stuff from home.”

Giles couldn’t help but laugh a little at that. He shook his head and took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

“We’ll need to buy you’re uniform, for starters,” he said.

Buffy’s eyes went wide. “A uniform?”

Giles nodded.

“Ugh…why me?” she said dramatically.

“You’ll need a wand, a cauldron. I’ve got your list of books. As for the previous years texts, we’ll be able to borrow them from the library so you can catch up,” he said.

“Just how much do I need to catch up anyway?” she asked nervously.

“Oh…about four years,” he replied casually.

Buffy sighed, wondering whether she would ever be able to catch up on that amount of work. She could only hope that this was one thing her lineage would be helpful with.

“Right. So…anything else on that list that I’ll need?” she asked.

“We’ll need to buy quills, parchment. An ink pot.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Quills? What, they’ve never heard of pencils in this world?” she asked.

He smiled, enjoying the running commentary the Buffy was providing for him. He really was fond of her.

“Oh, and you’ll be allowed to have a pet. An owl, a cat or a toad,” he said.

Buffy’s face lit up. She’d never been allowed to have a pet, because her mom had been allergic to most types of animals.

“For real?” Buffy asked.

Giles nodded. He couldn’t believe the resilience of this girl. She’d just been told that she was the Dark Lord’s heir and she’d somehow managed to take it almost well. To see her smiling about something was an incredible burden off his shoulders. This hadn’t completely broken her after all.

Chapter Seven: The Alley

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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