A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Forty-Seven: The Awakening

Buffy stirred behind them and the two boys and two men turned to watch as Buffy came out of her unconsciousness. Her eyes fluttered a little as she adjusted to the light in he room.

“Ow,” she muttered quietly as she stretched out her sore and tired muscles.

Giles couldn’t help but smile at the complaint from the girl. It meant that she wasn’t feeling horrendously bad. He raced to her side and took a gentle hold of her hand. She looked up at him, her eyes blurry, squinting to see him more clearly.


“I’m here Buffy,” Giles whispered softly. “Are you alright?”

She went to nod but found herself in far too much pain for that sort of movement. She settled on giving him the tiniest of smiles.

“Yeah. I’m okay,” she replied. “Remind me not to get hit by that spell ever again.”

Giles chuckled a little and Harry and Draco exchanged grins. The two boys stepped forward, taking positions on either side of the bed. Giles let go of her hand and Harry immediately took hold of it.

“You’re okay?” Buffy asked, looking between the two boys.

Draco nodded and brushed his lips against Buffy’s hand. “Yeah. We’re fine.”

Buffy looked to Harry who nodded. “We’re good.”

“And you two aren’t fighting anymore?” Buffy asked tiredly.

Draco and Harry looked at each other for a moment, and in an instant they knew that their rivalry would never be serious again. It didn’t mean that they would ever stop annoying each other, but it would lack the sharpness that their fights had usually had.

“We didn’t say that, love,” Draco said, smiling evilly.

Buffy laughed a little and immediately stopped when a stabbing pain raced through her body. She squeezed Draco’s hand with what little strength she had left. “Don’t make me laugh,” she complained, whining slightly. “It hurts too much.”

Draco looked immediately contrite.

“Geez Malfoy,” Harry said, his voice and manner teasing. “You trying to kill the girl or something?”

The Slytherin boy just smirked. “Definitely ‘or something’.”

“If you two weren’t cousins that comment would make me jealous,” Harry said with a grin.

Buffy just smiled, thankful that the two most important people in her world had finally made peace with each other. She knew that there would always be a sense of competition between them, and honestly, she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Madam Pomfrey re-entered the room, fussing about Buffy’s bed, fluffing her pillows and making certain the girl was comfortable.

“She needs to rest,” Pomfrey announced to Buffy’s visitors. “She’ll never recover if you don’t let her sleep.”

Buffy rolled her eyes, but the boys could see that she was tired. One by one, Harry, Draco, Giles and Dumbledore kissed the girls forehead and left her to get her rest. Dumbledore clapped his hands together and looked at the DADA Professor.

“It looks as though we have some good news to share.”


The cheering in the Great Hall lasted for nearly twenty minutes, students from every house clapping and yelling in exaltation of Voldemort’s defeat. There were a few Slytherin students who didn’t join in, but the majority of Slytherins were as excited as the rest of the students at the news.

The cheering finally died down, Dumbledore hating to cut their jubilation short, but knowing that the rest of the news needed to be told.

“Voldemort was defeated-” he was cut off by another burst of clapping “by one of our own students.” Silence. The Headmaster smiled. He knew that would get their attention. “This student is currently in the hospital wing, recovering from being hit by a rather nasty curse. I believe some of you may recognise it. The Avada Kedavra curse.”

The students all gasped in unison and a burst of surprised speech came from all over the room.

“This student managed to survive being hit by using what she had learnt.”

The students all broke into another confused bout of noise. She? They’d all been expecting to hear that it ad been Harry Potter who had defeated the Dark Lord. For it to be a girl, that meant…

“Buffy Summers, whom most of you know was actually Voldemort’s daughter, was the one to finally defeat and destroy the Dark Lord. And this time, the Dark Lord will not be coming back,” Dumbledore announced confidently. “Miss Summers has truly proved that Light can some from the Dark, and that our heritage does not dictate who we become. I hope that you all remember that.”

Some of the Slytherin students were shifting uncomfortably by this stage. A lot of the other students turned to look at them and were gratified that the message seemed to be getting across to a lot of Death-Eaters children.

Dumbledore sat down in his seat and the Hall filled with noise again. The Gryffindors especially seemed to be the loudest table. Ron and Hermione were trying to get the full story out of Harry who wasn’t concentrating on dinner. His mind was back in the Hospital Wing, worrying about Buffy. Madam Pomfrey hadn’t allowed anyone to stay, saying that it could be several days before Buffy was up to full strength again.

“Harry?” Hermione asked quietly.

He looked at her briefly before turning his attention back to the door of the Great Hall, not certain why he was staring at it. It just gave him something to concentrate on rather than on the myriad of voices surrounding him, hounding him for information about what had happened only an hour ago.

“Are you alright?” Hermione asked.

Harry nodded absently. “Fine,” he replied.

“And Buffy?” Ron asked.

Harry shrugged, tears involuntarily coming to his eyes. Every time he even thought of Buffy, all he could see was her crumpled body laying stretched out on the Quidditch pitch after the green bolt of light had flashed. It was the same green light that he saw whenever he had nightmares about his parents deaths, or when he dreamt of watching Cedric being killed right in front of him.

“Not sure yet,” Harry replied.

“Do you reckon Dumbledore’ll let us see her?” Ron asked.

Harry shook his head. “Pomfrey’s being a Nazi about it.”

“A what?” Ron asked in confusion.

Hermione just patted Ron’s hand, knowing it would be too hard to explain. “She won’t let anyone in,” she summarised.

Ron nodded in comprehension. He sighed and picked at his food. Hearing that Buffy had been hit by the Killing Curse had shaken him badly.

“How did she, y’know…survive?” Ron asked.

“Protection spells. Wicca-type protection spells,” Harry answered.

Both Ron and Hermione looked suitably impressed by that turn of events.

“I guess Professor Giles was right,” Ron commented. “She is more powerful than anyone thought. No one’s ever worked out a strong enough protection spell to survive the Killing Curse.”

“I just hope she’s really alright,” Hermione said quietly.


Sneaking into the Hospital Wing was easier said than done. Even with the Invisibility Cloak, the trio felt that they were going to be caught at any second. Thankfully, they made it to Buffy’s bedside without being caught by either Pomfrey or any of the other Professors that patrolled the hallways during the evening.

Harry threw the cloak of himself and drew a curtain around the bed to enclose themselves around the Hospital bed. Buffy stirred, wincing a little at the slight amount of light that penetrated the room.

She focussed her eyes slowly and looked at her friends, smiling tiredly.

“Hey,” she whispered.

“Hey Buffy,” Harry replied, his voice equally as quiet.

“Hey Buff,” Ron said with a grin. “How’re you feeling?”

“Like I could sleep for a million years,” Buffy answered. “Are you guys okay?”

Hermione and Ron nodded. “We’re fine,” Hermione said. “Thanks to you anyway.”

Buffy smiled and bit back a yawn. She shifted slowly to sit up, propping herself against the pillows and the headboard. Harry helped her to get into a more comfortable position.

“Are you guys allowed to be in here?” Buffy asked.

The trio exchanged sheepish smiles and shook their heads. Buffy smiled even more, touched that her friends would risk punishment just to make sure she was alright.

“When does Madam Pomfrey think you’ll be up and about?” Harry asked.

Buffy shook her head. “Not for a while. I’m just hoping Dumbledore will take pity on me and let me skip exams.”

Ron laughed aloud and quickly clapped a hand over his mouth, and peeked around the corner to make sure he hadn’t been heard. Hermione flicked his arm lightly and shushed him.

“I woulda thought you’d want to take exams,” Ron commented. “I haven’t seen you outside the library in months.”

“Puh-lease,” Buffy replied. “The learnings all good, but proving what I know. I usually choke and fail miserably.”

The curtain was flung back violently, and the four friends all jumped in fright, barely able to keep back yelps of surprise.

“What do you three think you’re doing out of bed at this time of night?”

Buffy grinned and shook her head with laughter on her lips. “You’re such a hypocrite Drake.”

Draco grinned and stepped towards the bed, bending forward and bushing his lips against Buffy’s forehead. “I know. I’m damn well proud of it as well.”

Harry rolled his eyes and Ron and Hermione looked at the Slytherin boy in shock. They’d never seen Draco being gentle with anybody before. They’d seen him interact with Buffy on only a few occasions and it still startled them every time.

“So, how’s the patient?” Draco asked.

“Unable to sleep,” Buffy said with a grin.

Draco just smirked. “Yeah, too many studly men in the room for that.”

“Mmm, I should ask Harry and Ron to leave. I might be able to sleep then,” Buffy teased.

Draco opened his mouth in mock shock and surprise. He mimed having a knife plunged into his heart. “That hurt love,” he said, sounding horribly offended.

Buffy just smiled without contrition.

“So, what’s the sitch?” Buffy asked. “Any news I should know about? He’s dead right?”

Harry nodded. “He’s dead. Dumbledore’s making sure of it. He’s taking care of everything. I think they’re gonna cremate him so no one can try bringing him back again.”

“Good,” Buffy said, nodding in satisfaction. “He deserves to be cut into little itty-bitty pieces. And get devoured by tarantulas or orang-utans or something.”

The group laughed a little and heard another pair of foot-steps coming towards them. The foursome looked to Buffy regretfully.

“We should go,” Hermione said. “I’m glad you’re alright.”

“We’re glad you’re alright,” Ron said.

Buffy smiled and Harry and Draco eased her back so she was lying down. Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak and ushered Hermione and Ron beneath it. He grabbed hold of Draco and pushed him into the small huddled group, the four of them ducking beneath the cloak just as the curtain was opened by Madam Pomfrey. Buffy closed her eyes quickly and Pomfrey gave a small sound of satisfaction that no one had been able to get past her guard.

Before she knew it, Buffy was asleep again and once more alone in the Hospital Wing.

Chapter Forty-Eight: The Exams

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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