A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Forty-Three: The Match

“Gryffindor thankfully in the lead, thirty to ten. Spinnet has the Quaffle, passes to Johnson. Ooo, that had to hurt. Slytherin Chaser Warrington intercepts the ball after a head-on collision with Chaser Montague. Montague passes to Flint who passes back to Montague. Montague passes to Warrington but is hit by a Bludger sent by one of the Weasley boys, dunno if it’s Fred or George, but a brilliant hit none the less. Take that Slytherin!”


“Sorry Professor. Gryffindor Chaser Katie Bell with the Quaffle, passes to Johnson, back to Bell. She shoots and she scores! Another ten points for Gryffindor!”

The crowd was standing, several of the students grasping the arms of other students. Hermione and Buffy were certain they would have bruised arms and hands from the amount of times they’d grabbed each other in excitement.

“Slytherin in possession, Flint racing towards the Gyrffindor goal. Gryffindor’s newest player, Ron Weasley dives to stop the Quaffle from being thrown through the hoop. And he SAVES the goal!”

An immense burst of cheering rang clearly from everyone in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The Slytherins booed emphatically.

“Ohh, dilemmas,” Hermione said into Buffy’s ear so she could hear above the cheering “Who to cheer for, her cousin or her boyfriend?”

Buffy elbowed Hermione’s ribs. “Don’t remind me! Drake was bugging me all day about it.”

“Poor Buff. You’re above all things average,” Hermione joked.

Buffy just rolled her eyes, well aware of how true that was.

“Gryffindor in possession –watch out for that bludger Katie!- nicely ducked. Bell passes to Spinnet who approaches the goals. And she scores! Gryffindor lead fifty to ten! Slytherins really not liking this. Keeper Damian Bletchley obviously needs some practise. Maybe Weasley could teach you sometime!”

The Slytherin Keeper glared hard at the commentator who was grinning from ear to ear. Buffy just laughed at the obvious outrage from the Slytherins.

“If Lee didn’t provoke them so much, Slytherin wouldn’t be so horrible,” Buffy commented.

“Yes they would,” came two voices from behind them.

Buffy and Hermione turned and Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. “The Slyerthins would take any chance they could to be horrible,” Seamus continued. “Yeah, as long as it’s aimed at anyone besides the Slytherins.”

Buffy grinned, thankful that the two boys had initiated conversation with her. It was the first time they’d willingly said anything to her, and she was secretly dancing on the inside because of it.

“I don’t think Damian liked being told to get lessons off the new comer,” Buffy commented. “Hasn’t he been playing for like four years?”

Seamus nodded. “Yeah. They just don’t want to admit that they’re team is inferior even with their fancy brooms.”

“Fancy schamncy. Its not the quality of the broom, it’s how you use it,” Buffy said.

Seamus and Dean grinned, and momentarily forgot that they were supposed to be afraid of her. They moved down to stand on either side of the girls. They turned their attention back to the game, cheering and gasping along with the rest of the crowd.

“And Harry’s seen the snitch!”

The Gyrffindors went wild as they saw Harry diving towards the ground at break-neck speed, Draco following suit. Buffy couldn’t deny that Harry was the better flier of the two boys, and even though she sort of wanted Draco to at least beat Harry once, she wanted Gryffindor to win the game.

Harry pulled up on his broom, his arm outstretched to catch the snitch. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bludger speeding towards him. Having learnt from experience that a bludger to the arm was incredibly painful, he pulled his arm back in and let the bludger rush past him. He looked back up for the snitch and found that it had disappeared.

Draco too was looking for the elusive golden ball, but it seemed to have completely vanished. The two Seekers pulled up to gain height so as to have a better view of the playing field.

In all the excitement of the Seekers trying to get the snitch, the crowd hadn’t been watching the rest of the game. Slytherin had managed to get past Ron and had scored a goal, bringing the score up to fifty to twenty, Gryffindor still in the lead.

“Slytherin in possession, Flint with the Quaffle, OUCH! Bludger to the face, a brilliant hit by one of the Weasley’s. Oh there’s blood! Good shot George! Just joking Professor. Gryffindor Chaser Spinnet with the Quaffle, passes to Bell, passes to Johnson, she shoots, she scores! Sixty to twenty, Gryffindor leads.”

Draco and Harry were involved in a shoving match for no other reason besides being vindictive and bored. Draco got the upper hand for a moment and gave an evil grin. In the midst of his celebrating, he didn’t see a bludger headed towards him from behind.

Buffy gasped and screamed at the top of her lungs. “Drake!”

Draco turned and saw the bludger. He ducked just as it soared where his head had previously been. He looked up, his heart racing and shot a thankful grin to Buffy for the warning.

The Gryffindors surrounding Buffy shot her glares for telling the Slytherin boy about the Bludger. She just blushed a little and ignored them. Hermione grinned and shook her head.

“You really don’t like doing things the easy way, do you?”

“Why do it the easy way when you can do things the hard way?” Buffy replied with a grin.

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the match.

The crowd winced collectively when one of the Slytherin Chasers was hit by a Bludger. The Slytherin captain Marcus Flint, called for a timeout. The Gryffindors chose to remain in the air, chatting amongst themselves. They were fairly confident with their game strategy and were enjoying the fact that they were winning despite their inferior brooms.

The Slytherins came back out onto the playing field and began circling above the Gryffindors. The crowd cheered wildly as play began again. Mitchell Warrington, the player who’d been hit by the Bludger seemed to have made a miraculous recovery.

“Big faker,” Buffy murmured. Hermione looked at her questioningly. Buffy pointed towards the Slytherin Chaser. “Look at him, he’s fine! They didn’t need a time-out.”

Hermione nodded but thought nothing more of it as the game began again.

“Slytherin in possession, Flint with the Quaffle, passes to Montague, back to Flint, passes to Warrington. Ooo, Warrington misses the ball, Gryffindor Chaser Bell swoops to catch it. Passes to Johnson, GOAL! Gryffindor lead seventy to twenty.”

The game continued, continually getting closer and closer with the Quaffle to where the Gryffindors were standing. A bludger flew over the heads of the Gryffindor spectators, causing all of them to duck simultaneously. The Bludger doubled back and again hit Warrington, catching him off guard. He slipped from his broom and managed to catch onto the railing directly in front of Seamus, Hermione, Buffy and Dean. The four Gryffindors grabbed his wrist, trying to haul him up.

“Let go of your broom,” Buffy said frantically, needing more than one wrist to help haul his heavy weight into the stands.

Warrington shook his head and grabbed Buffy’s wrists hard. He pulled with all his weight, breaking the top railing of the barrier, bringing Buffy onto the other side of the pitch. He positioned the broom beneath him and held on to Buffy’s wrist, dangling her in the air.

Buffy screamed loudly, catching the attention of every spectator and player on the field.

Across the pitch, Dumbledore and Giles stood up quickly, panic across their faces. They reached for their wands and tried to aim, but were unable to direct any spells at the Slytherin player.

Harry and Draco both noticed what was going on, and in unison they dove forwards, their hearts racing with fear. Warrington, weighed down though he was, managed to get the broom to go even higher and began flying away from the stadium, Buffy screaming at him the entire way.

She struggled to bring her leg up within arms reach to grab at her wand that was hidden in the ankle of her boot. Warrington saw the movement and pulled out his own wand.


The spell hit Buffy at point-blank range, stunning her completely. Her body fell limp and had Warrington’s grasp not been as firm as it was, she would have fallen.

Buffy groggily saw two figures on brooms following them. She recognised the black-haired and platinum-haired boys chasing them at break-neck speed.

Draco swooped beneath the duo to catch her in case Warrington’s strength failed him. Harry went above in an unspoken agreement.

“Let her go Warrington!” Harry yelled.

Warrington just smirked. “Not a chance Potter!” He aimed his wand at Harry. “Avada Kev-”

Harry ducked downwards, not particularly wanting to chance being hit by another Killing Curse. He’d survived the first one purely because of his mother, and he was fairly certain that this one would have killed him.

Warrington sped up, seeing the edge of Hogwarts Property. He laughed maniacally and came to a screeching halt as soon as he was outside the Hogwarts protective barrier. Harry and Draco could only watch as both Warrington and Buffy disappeared from site, disapparating to who knew where.

“SHIT!” Draco yelled loudly.

Harry was bordering on the same sort of reaction. “We have to get back to Dumbledore.”

Draco nodded and the two boys, nemeses by all accounts, but suddenly just two boys trying to protect a common loved one, sped back towards the school.

Chapter Forty-Four: The Accusations

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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