A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Thirty-Three: The Yelling

“I wasn’t expecting you two to come in,” Buffy said quietly, addressing Ron and Harry.

Ron scoffed before Harry could say anything. The redheaded boy gave her a disgusted look.

“Like we’d leave Hermione in here with a murderer!”

Buffy’s eyes flashed, but she kept her cool.

“I’ve never killed a living person,” she replied.

Ron however, was too caught up in his anger to care. He just kept shaking his head and glaring at her.

“You’re probably just waiting for your dad to come in here and take you back home! Bet you were really upset when you were dragged back into Hogwarts. We heard that they’d put up more protection spells to keep it safe. And I’d wager that they were put up cos of you. To keep you from killing us all in our sleep!”

“Ron!” Harry said sharply.

Ron seemed to snap out of his anger and took a step back, as though realising who he’d just said everything to. He positioned himself behind Harry.

Harry took a step forward and Buffy felt her insides curl around on themselves, with fear or nerves she didn’t know. She was half expecting him to slap her for lying, but it was the quiet voice that nearly broke her completely.

“Why Buffy? Why did you lie to us?” he asked. “Was it just some game to you? To make me feel for you and then…”

“No! Never! I never meant for any of this to happen!”

“You never wanted to get found out, you mean,” Ron accused.

Buffy glared at him but quickly turned her attention back to Harry.

“I swear, I never lied to you about anything else except about Voldemort.”

“That’s a pretty big ‘except’,” Harry said.

“I know that!”

Hermione stepped forward, tears in her eyes. Buffy turned to look at her, upset that she had caused her first friend at Hogwarts to be brought to tears.

“Was it just to get at Harry?” Hermione asked. “Was that all it was?”

“I would never do that, I swear!”

“Your oaths have no meaning!” Ron yelled. “You’re his daughter!”

Buffy took a step back as though she’d been slapped. She’d been trying for the last few months to forget that small factor completely and here it was being thrown in her face. She sighed and sat down on her bed, finally uncrossing her arms. Ron was the first to see the mark on her arm. He gasped and ran forward without though, grabbing at her elbow and looking at the mark for closer inspection.

“You’re a Death-Eater!” he cried.

Hermione and Harry were looking at the circular red mark in shock and horror. Both of them had been a little more willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but now…she was one of them.

Buffy yanked her arm back, covering the mark with her hand. Ron pulled out his wand and pointed it at her face.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t stun you and give you to the Ministry,” Ron demanded.

Buffy just looked at him passively. She refused to show just how nervous she was, but she knew that yelling wasn’t going to get her anywhere. She wasn’t about to earn their trust by doing what they expected her to do.

“Go ahead.”

Ron wasn’t expecting that. Buffy stood and in the blink of an eye, Ron’s wand was in Buffy’s hands. She was tempted to snap it in half just to teach him not to point it at her, but she knew the other two were feeling a little more lenient towards her. She spun the wand in her hand and gave it back to him.

“You should be more careful with that thing,” she said casually.

Ron stared at his wand, torn between wiping it on his jumper to get rid of an evilness that may have been transferred into it, or pointing it at her again. He figured both ideas were pretty useless.

“You lied to us,” Hermione said quietly.

Buffy sighed and nodded. “Yes.”

“So you admit it!” Ron cried. “You really were setting Harry up!”

Buffy turned to look at him, wondering how exactly it was that someone who was usually fairly bright could be incredibly stupid when it came to times like this. She knew however that Ron was looking for a good drama, and she was giving it to him.

“Did I say that? No.”

“So…what is going on?” Harry asked. “Are you a Death-Eater?”

Buffy shook her head. “I’ve got the Mark of one, but I will die before I stand beside Voldemort.”

“I thought you’d want to stand beside him,” Ron accused.

Buffy rolled her eyes and looked at Hermione.

“Can you get him to shut up? Please?”

Hermione looked at her boyfriend and sent him a pleading look.

“You’re actually on her side? Oh, that’s great, that is! My own girlfriend, siding with the devil’s spawn!”

Buffy stood up, her body trembling with anger. “That’s enough!”

Ron stepped backwards nervously and Buffy advanced on him.

“You want to insult my father, fine! Go ahead. In fact, I’ll probably join you. But you start saying stuff like that about me, you’re gonna find yourself on the receiving end of an incredibly painful lesson. You got that?”

He nodded and made a mental note to keep his thoughts to himself. He was too quick to anger and it was going to get him into trouble one day.

“You wanna know the truth?” Buffy asked angrily. “You wanna know that until six months ago, I was just Buffy Summers, seventeen-year-old vampire Slayer. Until six months ago, I had a mom who loved me, I had friends who I trusted with my life. Until six months ago, I had no idea what a muggle was. I’d never seen a wand, I’d never watched anyone fly around on a broom, I’d never even heard the name Voldemort. Until six months ago, I thought my life was pretty fricken horrible, but I was proved wrong. It got worse. And has continued to get worse ever since then!”

Ron felt his anger deflate. He’d never thought about it from her side. He’d been so busy in his self-righteous indignation that he’d just thought that anyone even remotely related to Voldemort would be evil, full-stop. Hearing Buffy’s diatribe on it all made him feel incredibly guilty though.

“You wanna know what it’s like to be told that you’re not actually who you think you are? To be told that the only reason your mom loves you at all is cos of a spell? That the only reason you’re even alive is cos no one could bring themselves to kill a defenceless child, even if it was Voldemort’s? You wanna know what it’s like to doubt yourself, to be so afraid of what you’re capable of? Do you have any idea what it’s like to start doing things that everyone has told you is literally impossible? Do you know what it’s like to have to leave your friends without so much as a goodbye, knowing you can’t ever see any of them ever again cos you might put them in danger?”

Tears were beginning to stream from her eyes, and she wiped at them angrily. She looked up and glared at Ron, making the redheaded boy take an involuntary step backwards.

“Until you know what that’s like, you can stop judging me. And you can stop assuming that you know the first thing about me and who I am. Cos until you experience even a tenth of what I went through, then you have no right to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing.”

She stormed from the room, leaving a very stunned Harry, Ron and Hermione staring at each other in silence.

Chapter Thirty-Four: The Silence

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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