A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Twelve: The Leather

Hermione somehow managed to be back in her dorm room before Buffy returned, something she was incredibly grateful for. She changed into her pyjamas quickly and settled into bed, waiting for the blonde girl to return.

Five minutes later, Buffy was creeping into the silent dorm room, the other three girls asleep and Hermione with her eyes trained on the small blonde.

Buffy threw off her cloak and sat on the edge of her four-poster bed. She stretched out her muscles, sore from the lack of use over the last six, technically seven weeks. She leant down to undo her boots, kicking them off her feet. Hermione moved a little to get a better view and the rustling made Buffy stop and go completely still.

She listened for a moment before whispering very quietly.


Hermione’s heart nearly stopped.

“You awake?”

“Yeah,” Hermione whispered back.

Hermione thought she heard Buffy swear under her breath, but she couldn’t be sure. Hermione quietly threw off the covers of the bed and padded over to Buffy’s bed. She tried to put on a surprised look at Buffy’s attire.

“Are they leather pants?” Hermione whispered.

Buffy just nodded, Hermione barely able to see the movement in the unlit room.

“Wanna explain anything?” Hermione asked.

“Not really,” Buffy replied nervously.

“So…those weren’t vampires that you were fighting in the Forest?” Hermione asked casually.

Buffy’s eyes widened. Across the room, someone stirred. Buffy grabbed Hermione by the arm and dragged her out of the room and into the corridor.

“You followed me?” Buffy asked, her voice tinged with slight anger.

Hermione nodded and stood her ground.

“But how? I would have seen you,” Buffy said.

“Not if we’re invisible,” Hermione replied.

Buffy sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly. This was Sunnydale all over again. It had only taken one day for Xander and Willow to discover who she was. At least at Hogwarts it had taken two.

“You knew how to kill those creatures,” Hermione whispered.

Buffy nodded. Hermione’s eyes widened with a sudden thought.

Slayers don’t exist.

“Are you…you’re not a Vampire Slayer are you?” Hermione asked.

Buffy considered telling this girl the truth. Or at least half of it. She had a sudden thought.

“Were Harry and Ron with you tonight?” Buffy asked.

Hermione flushed a little and nodded.

“Then maybe I should leave the explanations until I can tell the three of you. Better to say it all once rather than explaining it three separate times.”


Hermione was out of bed and in the library before breakfast, looking up everything she could find on Vampire Slayers. Buffy hadn’t answered her question the night before which led Hermione to believe that the small blonde girl truly was the Slayer.

She flicked through a volume on Slayer lore until she found a word that was incredibly familiar.

A Watcher is assigned to each Slayer. It is a Watcher’s duty to train and prepare the Slayer for active service.

Buffy had called Professor Giles ‘Watcher-Mine’ when they’d been leaving the Forest the night before. This girl really was a Slayer. No wonder Mr Giles had been so firm in his belief of Vampire Slayers. He was the Watcher to one.

Hermione looked up when she heard a clock chime. Breakfast. She put the books back onto their shelves and made her way down to the Great Hall, taking a seat opposite Harry and Ron. Buffy had yet to emerge for breakfast.

“Did you talk to her?” Ron asked, his voice hushed so the others around them wouldn’t listen in.

Hermione nodded. “She said she’d explain it to all of us at once,” Hermione replied.

“Where is she?” Harry asked impatiently. “She’s alright, isn’t she?”

Hermione bit back a smile. Harry was definitely interested in their new friend in more than a platonic way. She’d have to gauge Buffy’s reaction to the black-haired boy later on. Perhaps do a little match-making.

“She was fine last night,” Hermione replied.

“She certainly looked fine,” Ron said with a grin. “She can definitely wear a pair of pants.”

Hermione felt a rush of inexplicable jealousy, but hid it well. She looked to Harry to see a slightly dopey expression on his face as well. Buffy had definitely made an impression on the boys the night before.

“Hey guys,” came a soft voice from behind Hermione. All three turned to see who was addressing them. Buffy just gave them a grin and sat beside Hermione.

“Morning,” Hermione replied. Ron waved and Harry couldn’t help but blush slightly at the memory of Buffy in the leather pants from the night before. He’d dreamt about her the entire night.

“Anything good for breakfast?” she asked casually, beginning to fill her plate.

The trio glanced at each other, wondering how the girl could be so casual after the night before.

“Don’t suppose there’s anything you’d like to tell us,” Ron said pointedly.

Buffy just shrugged. “Right now? No.”

Ron looked around him and saw that the Gryffindros who had been in DADA were all looking in their direction. He nodded reluctantly and began eating again.

“When?” Hermione asked.

Before Buffy could give them an answer, she felt a hand on her back. She turned and saw Giles standing behind her.

“What’s wrong?” Buffy asked, immediately on alert.

“Professor Dumbledore would like a word,” Giles explained.

Buffy nodded and stood up, grabbing a piece of toast off her plate before flashing an apologetic smile to her three friends.

Ron sighed with disappointment. He was hoping for some sort of an exciting story, but it looked like he would just have to wait. He looked at Hermione who had a thoughtful expression on her face, not that that was overly unusual.

“What’s wrong ‘Mione?” Harry asked.

Hermione turned her attention to Harry. “Nothing. Just…wondering something.”

“You’ve got a theory,” Ron said.

Hermione nodded.

“Remember when I said that Slayers didn’t exist? What if I really was wrong?” Hermione asked.

Ron chuckled. “That’d be a nice change.”

Hermione glared at him and Ron immediately stopped laughing.

“You think that she’s the Slayer?” Harry asked.

“Would explain the leather,” Ron commented.

Hermione glared at him. “Would you shut up about the leather.”

“It would explain why she fought so well,” Harry mused. “It might also explain why the Professors let her go out there.”

Hermione nodded and absently nibbled on a rash of bacon.

“Maybe that’s why she’s at the school,” Ron said. “I mean…if she really is the Slayer, maybe she could help defeat You-Know-Who.”

“Maybe,” Hermione agreed.

Harry looked at them in shock, surprised that his two best friends had just agreed on something. Harry’s attention was distracted from them when he felt someone hovering behind him. He turned, suppressing a groan when he saw Draco standing there, his trademark glare across his face.

“What now Malfoy?” Harry asked impatiently.

Draco just stared coldly at Hermione.

“Where’s your little protector, Mudblood?”

“Right behind you, Ferret boy,” came the very calm reply from behind him. Draco turned to see Buffy standing there, a smirk on her face. “Something you wanted?”

Draco just stared at her. He wanted desperately to insult her, wanted to go back on his word. He hadn’t counted on Buffy being there. And he didn’t want to risk fighting in front of the entire student body.

“No,” Draco finally spat out angrily. “Nothing.”

He turned and walked away and Buffy took a seat beside Harry.

“God that boy’s annoying,” Buffy commented.

“Well, at least you learnt that early on,” Ron quipped.

Buffy grinned and sipped at the tea, blowing on the liquid to cool it down a little.

“What did Dumbledore want?” Harry asked curiously.

“Just to see if I was still alive and kickin’,” she answered. “Making sure I’m not suddenly allergic to sunlight or anything.”

“Those really were vampires last night?” Ron asked quietly.

Buffy looked around them to see if anyone was listening. She nodded.

“In the disgusting flesh,” she replied.

“So, when are you going to explain it to us?” Harry asked.

Buffy looked at him. If I had a choice…never.

“Is there anywhere we can meet without being overheard?” Buffy asked.

The trio went quiet for a moment before Hermione smiled.

“I’ve got just the perfect place.”

Chapter Thirteen: The Slayer

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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