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Thundermakers Domain

  Welcome from Timbelake Thundermaker Divine light!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
  Tuesday, April 08, 2003 New beginings  
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Hail Friends!

Still very much under construction so plz keep checking in for updates and the lastest changes.Thanks for stopping by friends.
None of the links are working yet

Timbelake Thundermaker server

 Timbelake Thundermaker    Last Updated:  Wednesday, Apirl, 9, 2003
    Figured it was about time i got back on the web.
I am Timbelake Thundermaker, Formally Timbelake Aguardian. I am a paladin of the 54th light, Faithful servant of Karana the Rainmaker, on the Karana server. Welcome to my Domain
Man i've been away for quite a long time. Some of this is not part of my orginal ideals most of my web page construction experience comes from trail and error. Such as i tend to find stuff i like then copy paste and tear it apart line by line and reconstruct it for my own orginal design so bare with me i'm sure you'll start seeing some changes of my own design.