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11th Dec 1958--29th Oct 1990

This page is dedicated to my eldest brother,
who was always there for me.He was my hero
and was Loved.My biggest regret
is not telling him everyday how much I loved him.
Although."rolling eyes".
HE told ME how much I loved him...*LOL*
My advice is if you love someone tell them.
You can never hear those 3 Lil words enough.
I miss him and I love him.
Don't listen when people tell you
you should be over it.
"You never get over it.You learn to live with it."
Although its been 14 years it hurts like it was yesterday.
he died doing what he loved.
Riding his Dirt Bike.


"Brother to Brother,
Father to Sons,
Mother And Daughters,
Together As One".

Memories are something no-one can steal
A lasting heartache no-one can heal
A broken heart and tears unseen
I wish your absence was just a dream
I laugh, I smile, I play my part
Behind it all lies a broken heart
Your memory is my greatest treasure
To love and keep in my heart forever

To some your just a memory
To others just a name
But to me, you were the world
Without you here its not the same

<BGSOUND SRC="Crabb_Family___I_Sure_Miss_You1.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>