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PMU stands for Pregnant Mare Urine. Premarin is a hormone replacement drug that provides estrogen for women who have had hysterectomies. While many women can take synthetic drugs for this purpose, others need drugs such as Premarin.

There are many farms in the northern United States and Canada that supply drug companies with the ingredient required to make hormone replacement drugs. That ingredient is estrogen laced Pregnant Mare Urine. This drug does benefit women, especially those who cannot take a synthetic substitute. The problem is that when you have pregnant mares, you also have foals.

Quarter horses make up the largest percentage of PMU mares; however, farms also produce Paints, Belgians, Percherons, Appaloosas, Clydesdales, Morgans and crosses of many of these breeds. They offer registerable horses as well as grade stock.

These mares are bred every year and every year they produce foals. Most farms have designed their breeding programs to produce high quality stock. And many farms have teamed up with rescue organizations in order to find homes for these foals, rather than send them to auction, or worse yet, feedlots.

Too many foals are produced each year that do not get adopted. Statistics show that an amazing 50-60% of these foals do NOT get adopted.

There are natural and synthetic alternatives to Premarin. Consult with your doctor before you switch.

There are also a number of rescue organizations that specialize in the rescue and adoption of PMU foals and I have listed some of them on my links page.

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