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The exciting and enchanting life of Ken — Profile

Name:  Ken O'Sullivan

Birthday:  9 December, 1960
Bio:  Born in the People's Democratic Republic of Cork on the same day Coronation Street was first broadcast (although I missed that particular episode cos I had a lot on that day...). I attended St. Mary's N.S. and Christian Brothers' College. My first radio broadcast was in July 1976 when I was invited onto RTE Radio's "Club na nOg" as a guest along with my brother Paul to talk about our competition-winning project about the History of Theatre. Bitten by the radio bug, I joined CCLR in the summer of 1979 (making my first solo on the morning after John Wayne died). From there I moved on to Capital Radio in 1980 and thereafter through a series of local stations until I moved to Dublin in 1987. After a brief flirtation with some more pirates in the capital, I joined LMFM in Drogheda in 1990. I've done many weird and wonderful things on "The Voice of the Northeast", including learning to ride a horse, clinging on for dear life in the passenger seat of a sports car as it hurtled around Mondello Park, being ringmaster in a circus and broadcasting from a waterbed. However, I'm probably best known for my coverage of the Eurovision Song Contest from 1993-2000. I read voraciously, surf the net and wallow in 80s nostalgia every Sunday on the wireless. I love football but I get seriously depressed if my beloved Manchester United lose. (Fortunately, this doesn't happen too often.) I live in Ashbourne, Co. Meath with my wife Imelda and my two sons Bryan and David.
Interests:  Music, movies and Manchester United. I also have a fascination with dates and anniversaries and can accurately date significant moments in my life by associating them with historical events and football results.
Blog Created:  Monday, 22 August 2005
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 26 January 2010 - 6:32 PM GMT
Blog Entries:  433

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