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My Poetry Corner

last updated:08/01/03

Hey Yall, My name is Dee and im 16 years old, i write alot of poetry and stuff, its my way or getting away and expressing myself, well i thought i would sare a few with yall, well thats about it, have fun reading!

*Center of the world*
always fighting
to be the best
to be better then the next
center of the crowd
lead in the play
wanting to come in first
in everyway
no caring who you hurt
losing friends everyday
all you care is to be the best
the center of attention
and better then the rest

i look in the mirror
i see someone who looks familar
but is a stranger to me
i hid behind the truth
i hid behind the lies
i strive to be excepted
to be apart of the crowd
but who am i really
i dont know
i am a stranger to me

*lost friendship*
As i sit and i wonder
of all the times we spent together
how i always turned to you
and you were always there
i valued our friendship
more then my life
i need you back with me
just for once more
to tell you how i feel
just once more to show you
i am for real
you were my best friend
my "second lover"
my pal
i needed you in my life
but i screwed up its all my fault
now your gone
without my best friend
so i guess this is the end
the time i say goodbye
to all the old memorys
and all of our old times

its that time
to say goodbye
to wish the world well
without me
death calls out my name
to much pain
surrounds me
the only time
i feel like im worthy
is when your standing besides me
but now your gone
im no longer here to stay
i need time alone
when no ones home
so i can end it now
end the tormenting pain
that you have caused me
just end it here and now
i wanted to say goodbye
to all that pretended to care
and acted to be my friend
who caused me
all my stress
all my pain
now i say goodbye to you
im leaving forever more

when nothing is going my way
and the world seems all wrong
when i feel frusterated
and like giving up on life
i turn to you
and you make it all right
your the light of my life
that guides me through the world
without you its dark
and i feel like im falling
but your always there
to catch me
to brighten my world
and make everything all right
i dont know what i would do without you
i dont know whered i be
i dont think i could imagine my world without you
but im so happy you chose me

As I sit there
and think of how you treated me
i pop a pill for
you have made me cry
you have made wanna die
you have hit
as i pop them one by one
i start to fade away
i count the times u have let me down
and how many i have taken
and it goes on
till i have clasped
and now im gone

i cant contain the tears
there all because of you
becuase you werent there
you werent there for me
when i needed you in my life
when i needed to by my side
you were gone
and now all i have is my tears
tears of sorrow
my tears of comfort
i cant contain my tears

*you and me*
As I lay awake at night
thinking and wondering of you
of why there isn’t a me and you
why must you play these games you do
they don’t give our emotions any gain
we both know that our feelings are true
so why isn’t there a me and you?

*in your arms agian*
i want this to end
the torment
all the sorrow to be gone
i just want to be in your arms agian
away from all the pain
you can make it disappear
the suffering is gone
when you are near
no longer i hear
pain echoing in my head
you have just made it disappear

*overwhelming frusteration*
one decision could
change his life
could change mine to
nothing left to do
nothing left that i havnt
heard from you
nothing else i want to say
but to leave you in one way
to tell you i love you
and ill always be there
but this relationship isnt going anywhere
i need some space
i need some time
i cant take it
i have to tell you how i feel
i have to show you what is real
i took off my rose colored glasses
now its your turn
to face the truth

*why mommy*
sitting in total silence
thinking and wondering why
Am I meant to live out my life on earth?
or did g-d put me here to suffer and die?
With everyday that goes by
I cry
mommy what did I ever do to you I ask
as I hear the echoing of her voice
repeats over in my head
she tells me that I'm a failer
and then I hear her screaming...
screaming that she must of been cursed
cursed to have ever had me
mommy why did you send me away?
your last words repeating in my head
I hate you I remember you said
I hear from a distance
but I didn’t bother looking back
what did I ever do to deserve this?
why was I put through this pain?
someone please tell me what I did
to deserve all this suffering and the name
you take in vain

I have gone through my life with just one goal
to make it big on that Broadway show
Being center stage is all I ever cared
putting on an act so I look prepared
wanting nothing more but to be the girl
everyone comes to see
the one who is famous and you will see
I will make my dreams come for me
for a while I have done nothing
but put on an act for you and me
I forgot who is really me
who am I?
I would like to know
I have forgotten this, so
I remain with my act
and one day you might see
it will become my reality ….
*this next one means alot to me and it has no name
so if you think of a name let me know please*
As I look from a far I see a little girl
small and petite
she was sitting all alone out side on your street
she looked like she was only 7 or 8
as I watched her from a distance
She seemed to be in a beat up shape
Little did anyone know
that there was something more
to each bump and scrap,
that this little girl was abused
in many different ways
no one seemed to noticed she was even there
it seemed like she was trying to hide
from all who didn’t care
intill one day that one person came up to her
and took her away
and now she is back in the old abused ways,
why didn’t you go and help her before
that one person took her back
to the way things were before
you could of saved this little girl cant you see
that your selfish ways left the girl to be
now years have past and that little girl has grown older
and she is abused no longer
if you ever thought about who that little girl was
or wondered who it could be
to let you know that little girl was me…

*sweet dreams*
eyes slowly closing
looking forward
to peaceful dreams
where we are together
just staring into each others eyes
in total bliss
dream of being in your arms
never letting go
you hold me close
overwhelming feelings
of security and love
dreams of happiness
dreams of bliss
dreams i never want to
awake from
but when i do
ill always know
in my dreams
i will always have
eternal joy
of having you
*lifes path*
what do they mean to you
i think of those words
i see myself together
forever with you
no one can
tell you your destiny
no one can
determine your fate
wish on a shooting star
that your destiny
my fate
will be together forever

wanting something so bad
minutes seem like hours
waiting for the bliss you desire
wanting to be with the one
the one who can make you feel that joy
the joy you desire
the happiness you crave
hours seem like days
just wanting to hear those simple word
that will bring you that eternal bliss

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