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This is the view looking down onto the pelvis and towards the northeast.

Marvin and Jane Whitney of rural Kensington, add scale to the pelvis. Marvin and Jane helped excavate and load the cast as well.

The pelvis has been plastered and waiting to dry in this photo.

The pelvis has been removed and is upside down in the pickup.

Here's the six lumbar vertebra found under the pelvis.

This is an unattached part of the pelvis, and was plastered and removed after removal of the larger pelvis bone.

This is the next surprise! An "arc" of very fine tusk particles were found in west (southbound) track.

This find is what makes it all worthwhile! An apparent large upper tusk!

Time for a "self portrait", and enjoy the thrill of finding a tusk.

The tusk has been undercut and prepared for the wet newspaper, burlap and plaster combination.

The tusk has been plastered and I'm waiting for it to dry. In the meantime I look for more bones protruding from the road bed.

This will give some idea of the scope of coverage at the site. The pelvis was found about 3 feet south (closer to camera) than the tusk. The partial skull was across the road in the opposite ditch.