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Ace Peter Eric Freaks

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UPDATES- December 30, 2004

Here's wishing a very, very Happy Birthday to the great Mike Nesmith, who turns 62 today. Hope he enjoys many more to come!

Today is also Davy Jones' birthday. Here's wishing him a most unpleasant one. >:-C

UPDATES- December 8, 2004

In Memory of John Lennon...

♥ October 9, 1940- December 8, 1980 ♥

Today marks the 24th anniversary of the tragic death of a great man and legendary performer, John Lennon.

John's stay here on Earth was all too brief, yet 24 years later his legacy and memory lives on. He touched the world through his music, and lit the world with a magic that will never die.

Rest in Peace, Johnny. We will always love and remember you. ♥

UPDATES- November 29, 2004

In Memory of George Harrison...

♥ February 24, 1943-November 29, 2001 ♥

It's been three years today since the world lost an incredible man and talented artist, and I lost one of my heroes. George Harrison passed away on November 29, 2001, after a long battle with lung cancer. He was 58 years old.

George was my favorite Beatle for a long time. He inspired me to write, and most importantly, to dream. I was in love with him for about two years between the ages of 10 and 12, which were among the roughest years of my life. Yet because of George and my love of the Beatles, they are remembered fondly as among the greatest. To quote Dickens, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." My world collapsed a little when I lost George in 1996 to "Fickle-Mind Syndrome;" his passing away in 2001 finished the job. I will never forget George for as long as I live. Words cannot describe what he meant to me. Although I never "knew" him, in my dreams I did... he was, and is, my hero.

I am not sad in a sense that George passed away, because I know that he is in a better place. However, I mourn for myself... because it is hard to lose a hero. I spent so many hours as a girl, dreaming about George, and wondering if I would ever meet him... I never dreamed that he would die before I had even grown up. George's passing when I was a senior in high school symbolized the end of something, the closing on a chapter of my life. I never knew him. But I loved him.

I learned of George's passing the day after it'd happened; November 30, 2001. Sometime during the afternoon the day before, I had been chatting away with my sister and one of my friends, when for no particular reason, I remembered George and began recalling all the happy times of my youth. The next day I learned that he had died around that time... yet I had been so happy in remembering him. I don't think George would want it any other way.

So I always try to remember George with a smile... but on the 29th and 30th of November, I will always be sad.

The world lost a great man... he will always remain here in my heart.

Peace be with you, George... we will always love and remember you. ♥

UPDATES- November 24, 2004

In Memory of Eric Carr and Freddy Mercury

Today marks the 13th anniversary of the passing of two great icons of rock music. Both Eric Carr and Freddy Mercury left our world on this day in 1991. They are both greatly missed, and shall forever live on in our hearts.

UPDATES- November 24, 2004

I have decided to totally rebuild Ace Peter Eric Freaks, since many of the pages on this site have been deleted. So, within the next month or two, I will be busy reconstructing this site through a different web host. I will be sure to keep all of you posted as I go along... More to come soon.

UPDATES- October 9, 2004


Today would have been John Lennon's 64th birthday. Here's wishing him peace and love where ever he is. John, we will always love you.

UPDATES- October 3, 2004

Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Lindsey Buckingham, who turns 55 today. =^_^= Hope he has at least 55 more... (BUT NOT HIS BIMBO!!!)

UPDATES- September 20, 2004

I am very sorry and angry to report that as of right now, FREHLEY'S FREHLIANS, FIRE CAT, and P.S. I LOVE YOU have all been deleted by >:-( I worked very hard on all three of those sites, and now they're gone. You may notice that most of the pages on this site are also missing. Well, that's because most of the pages were built using bravepages, which means they've also been deleted. I am so mad right now, it's not funny. I don't know what I'm going to do, but one thing's for sure: I am not going to bother rebuilding those sites. I've waisted enough time on KISS as it is. I don't really feel like reconstructing the missing pieces of this site, either. For now I'll leave APE Freaks up, until I've decided what to do with it. It really blows my mind that somethings which I worked really hard on have just up and suddenly vanished, without a trace. :(

UPDATES- September 15, 2004

In Memory of Johnny Ramone

October 8, 1948-September 15, 2004

UPDATES- September 11, 2004

Today marks the one year anniversary of the passing of the great John Ritter. Though he has gone from this world, his spirit still remains among us, and he shall forever live on in our hearts.

Click here to see previous Updates.

Welcome to ACE PETER ERIC FREAKS, the hottest place to be if you are an Eric Carr, Peter Criss or Ace Frehley fan! If you are tired of all the bashings and put downs Ace and Peter constantly receive from Gene Simmons, then you've come to the right place! This site is Gene Simmons Free! (With the acception of the KISS page-sorry, but how could we exclude him there?) Other than that, this site is 100% Eric, Peter, and Ace! "Well, why not Paul Stanley, or any of the other guys?" you might ask, and the answer would be that although we love Paul and the rest of the members of KISS very much, this site was created with the sole intentions of giving Ace, Peter, and Eric fans a cool hangout place that they could call their own. And while each member of KISS has his own distinct personality and role to play in the band, and are all special in his own way, the Spaceman, the Fox, and the Catman are our personal favorites. So if any of these are also your favorites, we welcome you to our site and hope you have a great time. And even if they're not, you still might want to stay and check it out. Who knows, you might even be converted... Well, we loved creating this site dedicated to Ace, Peter and Eric, and hope that you'll love it, too!*

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