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Special People

To all the hommies:

This is my chance to recognize all the people I feel have made an impact or are important in my life past, present, and hopefully future. To my one lone hommie in Texas, Oscar Jackson III, who is keeping the hoop dream alive and getting his education. To some special, and cold, people in North Dakota who are trying to better themselves in school while maintaining a family: My true father Carl and the lovely ever-caring Christine. To my blood family that has showed me both sides of what to expect in life, and unknowingly prepared me for mom, grandma, Rex,Uncle Steven, Aunt Diane, and all thoughts and prayers to heaven with my angel Aunt Susan. To some very lovely and wonderful women in the world...First and foremost a wonderful girl named Megan who came so close to really being "the one" and will hold my love forever...Angela in Grand Forks (ND), Jennifer in Missouri (who will be a great writer one day!), Tina who shows me that i'm not the only one afraid to speak my mind and be myself..and gives me strenghth to continue doing so, Brynn B.who is a cool girl but reafirms my fear that i'll never understand women, to some cool girls I hang out with Emily, Jen K, Erika, Diane, and Rhonda who i'm glad I got to know a little more "in-depth", and two girls that aren't in my life anymore but still hold a place in my heart Vickie & Sallie...who I'll forgive for everything she's done but never let in again.

And for those people who have intentionally hurt me or caused me pain I would just like to say that my faith and understanding in Christ allows me to forgive you, but my knowledge of the ways of the world will never let me forget. Know that I don't hold a grudge but I never lose a memory...

Healing power beyond human creation

There are a few things that are for sure in this life: You are going to have to pay taxes, work most of your life, and eventually die. Now why not make the first two a little easier and the third something to look forward to? All this, and more, is possible through your lord Jesus Christ.

However the first step in solving a problem is to identify it so challenge yourself each time you have a problem to ask for help: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

"The world is a dangerous place to live in. Not because of those who do evil, but because of those who let it happen."

-Albert Enstein


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