I love Zan

I love Zan Dammit!!!
Keep your eyes toward the bright skies
beyond the veil of December 21st, 2012

It's 4:05 in the A.M., I'm Jayson Bethell and these are perspectives.

Read From A Distance

Here are some good links

Viking Remote Viewing and Psychic Self-Defence

Deoxyribonucleic HyperDimension!!!!

Erowid Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans & Psychoactives
Better Living Through Chemicals Research
If you are Zan go here.
Read Albert Hoffman's LSD: My Problem Child Check out their other books too!

This site contains a great amount of the beast's works including the Equinox in its entirety!

A short time before WWI Helena Petrova Blavatsky founded the Theosociety. (All published books contained in this website)
Alex Grey One of my favorite artists.
My party platform
Tumult Recording
Aaron Donahue "Formerly known as Psychich Remote Viewer"
My favorite world philosophizer: Ken Wilber
A great story of how the corporations won also check out the other info on sumeria
My current favorite view on physics.
Time is just movement, so if you go forwards quickly enough maybe you can back out of this page.
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