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Gordon Wetmore


U.S.History Soccer Basketball

Gordon Wetmore is a man of many talents. Besides being an excellent teacher for Shawnee Mission West High School, he is a sports coach too.

Click the picture to visit Shawnee Mission West's Homepage, where you can find some Wetmore related items.


U.S. History

Mr. Wetmore gives a complete picture of America's past. A big part of this picture involves World War I. World War I is an important part of American History and leads to many other events. Some good links are here and here.


When he is on the soccer field, players address him as Coach Wetmore. The boys have had decent seasons and some of the former playerers such as Kurtis Kittel and Joe McCardel have gone on to play in college.




Mr. Wetmore also coaches sophomore boys basketball. He is known for his inspirational talks and his varied vocabulary. Since sophomores are all wise fools, Coach Wetmore offers guidance in this imporant year.


Last Updated 3/17/01

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